
Question: How does our country continue to change?
Global Goal: 10 – Reduced Inequalities
Students will develop an understanding of the different aspects of the First Nations Peoples culture and the many ancient traditions they held. Our students will reflect on the poor and the powerful in 1700s England and will build an understanding of their society. The colonisation of Australia will be analysed and students will research the events that led to the Stolen Generations and its lasting effects. It is essential that by the end of this term our students will have a thorough understanding of the First Nations Peoples culture and how we show our appreciation and respect to them today. Students will dive into Immigration throughout the years and the cultural exchanges that have occurred. They will explore a spectrum of impacts and how these have influenced individuals and actions.
Key Vocabulary:
- Cultural exchange
- Immigration
- Colonisation
- Influence
- Generation
How can you support your child’s Inquiry learning at home?
- Have discussions with your child about immigrating to Australia.
- Discuss moments in Australian history with your student.
- Read books with your child connecting to Australia.