Welcome and overall learning summary

Welcome back to Term 3, and a very warm welcome to the new families who have joined us this term at GWPS. We hope you and your families have had a wonderful, relaxing break and are ready for another term of learning. We were very impressed by the students’ positive attitudes and ability to quickly adjust back to their learning after their break.
Term 3 will again bring many highlights and wonderful learning experiences for the students. We are most excited about connecting with virtually with the students at our sister school in Nepal, Jhapa Model English School, to learn about each other’s schools and countries. We are all looking forward to a very productive and rigorous term of learning.
Sending Miss Blair Ippolito lots of wonderful wishes for the birth of her newborn son. We are very excited for her and this wonderful new chapter.
We welcome Miss Mary Mosquera as the 3A teacher and a Mrs Trish Singh as Level 3 Teaching and Learning Leader.
If at any time you would like to speak to your child's teacher, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send them an email.
The Level Three teaching team,
Trish Singh, Mary Mosquera, Jamie Dimopoulos, Shveta Mahajan, Jenny Ota and Xin Weng
Important dates for Year 3
- ICAS Writing – Wednesday 7th August
- ICAS Digital Technology – Friday 9th August
- ICAS English – Wednesday 14th August
- ICAS Science – Wednesday 21st August
- ICAS Spelling – Friday 23rd August
- ICAS Maths – Wednesday 28th August
Please see the ‘Important Dates for Your Diary’ section in our school iNewsletter, published fortnightly, for whole school event dates.