Year Three - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Families,


We have been so excited to welcome students back this week and to hear about all of the wonderful things they did over the school holidays. We hope you all had a very restful and wonderful break. Coming Monday 22nd  of July  is our St Thomas the Apostle Day celebrations. 


Religious Education focus: We will look at the sacraments of the initiation.

English focus: First five weeks of the term, Year threes are focusing on writing Information Reports about famous entertainers. Your child has already chosen an entertainer and started their title and introduction.

  • In paragraph one, they can, for example, look at the entertainer's early life and childhood.
  • In paragraph two, they can highlight their achievements.
  • In paragraph three, they can discuss what the entertainer is doing now.
  • Finally, they will write a conclusion. 

Mathematics focus: These two weeks we are focusing on telling time.

Social/ Emotional Learning & RRRR: For next six weeks of term 3 we will be learning about Emotional Literacy.

Integrated Learning: For Semester 2 (Term 3 & 4) we will be focusing on how can dance, drama and music show ideas and emotions to the audience?

Monday 22 Jul 2024

- St Thomas the Apostle Day Celebrations 

 All students to wear PE uniform

Tuesday 23 Jul 2024- Visual Art - 3C
Wednesday 24 Jul 2024

- All classes have a Specialist class (STSS)

- Physical Education - 3A & 3D

Thursday 25 Jul 2024

- Visual Art - 3D

- Physical Education - 3B & 3C

Friday 26 Jul 2024- Visual Art - 3A

Important Dates

●      Monday 22nd July - St Thomas the Apostle Day Celebrations

●      Saturday 27th July - Confirmation ceremonies (3 students from Year 5)

●      Wednesday 31st July - School Photo Day

●      Friday 16th August - National Day of Action against Bullying & Violence

●      Thursday 22nd August - Student Free Day

●      Friday 23rd August - Book Week Parade

●      Friday 20th September - Favourite Sports Team Dress up day & Last day of Term 3 

Contact Us @ Ephesus

The team - 




3A - Angela Mc Cullagh-   

         Connie Paola -   

3B - Carol Rodrigues- 

3C - Cass Schalks -

3D - Gurbiner Bhagat -

         Connie Paola -