From the Head of Senior School

It is incredible how fast time flies, as we find ourselves already in Week 2 of Term 3. It always brings me great joy to welcome our students back after the holidays and witness their reunions with friends and teachers. I hope our students are feeling prepared and excited for the term ahead, filled with endless possibilities and opportunities.  


We are now entering a busy time as we start to prepare for the upcoming year. Following the success of this week’s VCE Information Evening, which I will discuss in greater detail below, over the coming fortnight we will be holding several more after-school events, including a Year 10 2025 Information Evening on Monday 29 July and Parent-Teacher Interviews on Tuesday 30 July. Parents and carers are encouraged to accompany their children to these interviews to foster a collaborative three-way relationship that supports their academic and social development. 


VCE Information Evening 

The VCE 2025–2026 Information Evening was held on Monday 22 July for our Year 10 students and their parents and carers. In the first part of the evening, VCE teachers were on hand to help students explore subject choices for Year 11 and plan for their future after Year 12. The second part of the event saw presentations delivered by Dr Emma O'Rielly, Mr Dean Langley, Mr David Martin, Mr Jay Weston, myself, Mr Rod Smith and Mr Glynn Chambers. These covered the structure of the VCE, subject selection, career pathways, options for further education, and the various forms of school-based assessments within VCE courses. Students also learnt about the various support services available to help them manage the rigours of their VCE studies, such as the weekly Motivate sessions and wellbeing resources. Additionally, Year 12 students were present to share their experiences, challenges and strategies for success. 


Our new wombat crossings  

The Senior School has recently installed new wombat crossings on Vine and Wattle Streets as part of our ongoing commitment to student safety. These crossings are designed to create a safer environment for our students and staff, and facilitate smoother traffic flow during the busy drop-off and pick-up times.  


Please be mindful of the new crossings if you are driving in these areas, ensuring you are driving at a reduced speed and looking out for any students who might be preparing to cross. Parents and carers are also kindly asked to only use the allocated parking spaces to avoid double-parking or blocking driveways. 


On behalf of all the Senior School staff, welcome back to Girton for Semester 2, and we look forward to an enjoyable and successful term. 


Ms Dawn Davis

Head of Senior School