Assistant Principal (Years 7/8) Report 

Ms Alice Paget

Report from Assistant Principal Alice Paget


Dear Westall SC community,


This week marks the half-way point of the Term and I would like to congratulate the Junior School students on the way they have transitioned into their Semester 2 timetables and new semester-based subjects. It was also great to see high level participation at the Athletics Carnival this week across the school, especially from the Junior School across the events. 


This week also leads into Course Counselling for our Year 8 students, as they make decisions about their future pathways and subject selection for the Year 9 program. All students complete an interview with a staff member regarding the subjects they have selected for their Year 9 program, including their 9/10 Elective and their iCreate preferences. This interview process supports students in ensuring they have made informed decisions about their subject choices, that are in line with their strengths and passions. As students transition into the Middle and Senior school, they begin to take more agency in their educational pathway and program. 

Being prepared for learning:

It is vital student come prepared to class to set them up for success in their classes. This includes a different exercise book for each class, as well as their diary (which includes a mini whiteboard), device (with online textbook) and pencil case. Please remind your child or young person to bring these items to each and every class.


These whiteboards are used as a ‘checking for understanding’ tool in the classroom and help to inform the direction the teacher takes in the classroom.

Brain  Care (Year 7 and 8 Wellbeing Curriculum)

Each week on Monday and Tuesday, each year level with begin the day with Brain Care. Last semester students worked through a curriculum that teaches practical social concepts and strategies, to build peer relationship skills, and a culture of respect, understanding, care and collaboration (Social Stencil). This Semester all Year 7 and 8 students will be completing the Resilience Project Curriculum. 

Resilience Project

The resilience project is an evidenced based program that aims to support mental health in the classroom and family home. This done through building knowledge, skills and capabilities in 3 key pillars that have been proven to cultivate positive emotion: Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness, with Emotional Literacy being a foundation skill to practice these strategies. 


Recently students have been learning about Emotional Literacy. Click here for an activity you can complete at home to support some of the skills the students are learning about in the classroom. 


Until next time, take care and look after yourselves. 


Alice Paget

Assistant Principal (Years 7/8)