Years 5 & 6

Authors at Work - BIOGRAPHIES 

This term, Year 5 & 6 students have been learning about the craft of writing a biography. To begin, we looked at the structure of a biography. We read biographies about Famous Australians, and discussed how a writer chooses an idea for a biography. 

Students then chose their idea and thought about the purpose and audience for their biography. Having the opportunity to choose their own idea allowed the students to have agency over their learning. And this has sparked excitement about writing!

We have learnt about note taking, paraphrasing and summarising, and this week, how to use adverbs and adverbial phrases to help our reader visualise and connect with our writing.

We could celebrate the efforts of every author in our classroom - the drafts being created are fantastic!


In today’s newsletter, I would like to celebrate the following writers:

Indi has written an excellent introductory paragraph for her biography on Gai Waterhouse. Her use of a question to finish this section creates interest for the reader.

Mietta was proud of her efforts to include adverbs and adverbial phrases. After our lesson on these, she went back and revised her writing to include these for effect.

Cooper made a huge effort to revise his introduction. He attempted to start with an attention-grabbing lead and then included some interesting aside facts to engage his reader.

Our young authors are so engaged in their work. I can’t wait to see how they choose to publish.

Cooper's intriduction.
Cooper's intriduction.
Indi's introduction.
Indi's introduction.
Mietta's revised paragraph with an adevrbial phrase.
Mietta's revised paragraph with an adevrbial phrase.