Years 2 & 3

This week we have been working on Place Value in Maths.  In our warm up session, we played games using dice and dominoes to make numbers in the hundreds or thousands. We created the largest number we could and then the smallest number.

In our English sessions we have been working on up-levelling our sentences to make them more interesting using adjectives and adverbs. Here are a few examples that began with the simple sentence "The fish swam."


The scaly, rainbow fish swam quietly in the seaweed because it was being chased. Aria

The tiny, black fish swam gracefully through the seaweed for a tickle.  Edith

The round puffer fish swam slowly home, just in time for dinner.   Sybil


We've also been doing lots of work related to the Olympics of course. We looked at similes which compare one thing to another using 'like' or 'as'. Here are some of our similes regarding Olympic athletes:-

The break-dancer spun like a yoyo.  Hunter

The skate-boarder slid across the ground like a snake.  Maddie

The high-jumper leapt over the bar like a dolphin jumping over the waves.  Sienna

The runner was as swift as a gazelle.  Billie

The gymnast swung on the bars like a monkey swinging from branch to branch.  Edith

The diver dived like a penguin.  Evie