This week's notes

100 Days at school & Mini Olympics

Firstly some thank yous. Thank you to Miss Gray and Mrs Bell for coming up with both ideas. What a great opportunity for everyone! Thank you to the staff who helped make the day a success (medals, afternoon tea etc). And a big thanks to the family members who came along, lent a hand and cheered on our Olympians. 

It is occasions like these that build our community, and I think we can all agree that we left school on Wednesday feeling fantastic!


No day off for Sheepvention - Monday

As Sheepvention is on Sunday 4th August, parents have the chance to take their children on this day so we will not be having a Student Free Day on the Monday.  Students will be expected to be at school on this day.


Miss Gray and Mrs Steele - Literacy PD

On Wednesday 7th August Miss Gray and Mrs Steele will be attending a Literacy PD session.  Darryl Fry will be teaching the Years F/1 on this day.  Anne McNaughton will take the 5/6 class. Darryl has done a few CRT days with us already so the children will know him and we all know and love our Mrs McNaughton.


Parent Survey

Details for lodging a submission to the Parent Opinion survey have been sent out via uEducateUs. Please take the time to respond. Your opinion matters, and assists us to steer our school in the right direction. 


Book Club Orders

If you would like to order any books from the Issue 5 Book Club they are to be placed online by 4th August.  The order will be closed and finalised on Monday 5th August.


Warmest regards,

Kate Steele
