Junior School

Year 6 Camp Day
Earlier this week on Monday, all Year 6 boys eagerly participated in a single camp day experience at Somerset Outdoor Learning Centre. During this unique adventure, the boys took part in several activities ranging from archery to raft building! Thankfully, the weather was kind to us on the day as the rain stayed away and the boys were able to enjoy their experience nestled in the picturesque surrounds of the Colo River.
Another added benefit gained from the camp day was the opportunity for students to be placed in a group with other boys from their own colour house. Given that from next year onwards, all boys will experience daily homeroom sessions with students from their own house, spending the day engaging with their peers from the same house was a wonderful way of not only developing new friendships, but also strengthening existing ones.
Considering this was the first true outdoor learning experience for many of the Year 6 students, it was incredibly pleasing to see the manner in which the boys embraced the different opportunities on offer throughout the day. I know that many of our boys are already looking forward to their multi-day camp experience at Somerset which is scheduled for Term 4 next year, and students benefited from the chance to experience the venue first-hand ahead of time!
2024 Student Leadership Voting
Leaders motivate, influence and guide people so that they can work together to achieve common goals. This week, every student in Year 5 has been given the opportunity to nominate for a leadership position in 2024. The various roles in the Junior School are:
- Junior School Captain (one position)
- Junior School Vice-Captain (two positions)
- House Captain (one position for each house)
- House Vice-Captain (one position for each house).
The process of electing student leaders in the Junior School is multifaceted. All boys in Year 5 who are interested in being a leader in 2024 will be invited to self-nominate within their own homeroom. Two students from each class will then be selected to deliver a two-minute speech at a time to be determined in Week 6. All speeches will be viewed by the Year 5 cohort before every student is asked to vote. These results, in addition to an internal voting process conducted by staff, will culminate in the top three students being elected as either the Junior School Captain or one of two Junior School Vice Captains.
Following this process, all Year 5 boys who are still interested in being a leader in 2024 will be invited to self-nominate within their own house group. Each student will then be asked to provide a short response highlighting two reasons why they believe they would be a suitable candidate for a house leader role. All students in each house group will then be asked to vote. These results, in addition to an internal voting process conducted by staff, will culminate in the top two students from each house being elected as either the House Captain or House Vice Captain.
While we have no doubt that there will be many wonderful candidates for leadership positions next year, we know that there are only a limited number of roles available and as such, there may be disappointment for some boys who are not elected. This reality will be reiterated by staff to the many boys who decide to initially self-nominate for a leadership position. Parents/carers are also encouraged to have similar conversations at home as every student has an important responsibility to carry out in representing the College and upholding its values, regardless of whether or not they will be wearing a leadership badge in 2024!
Year 6 Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner
Last week, all Year 6 parents/carers were sent an email regarding the upcoming Year 6 Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner event which will be held on Tuesday 28 November, beginning at 5:00 PM in the College Gymnasium.
Please click here to purchase tickets for the occasion.
All other information related to this event can be viewed in the recent email sent to parents/carers.
We look forward to celebrating this significant milestone in the educational journey of our Year 6 boys later in the month!
Year 7 2024 – Uniform Fittings
All boys in Year 6 will be given the opportunity to be fitted for various uniform items (trousers, black belt, and black socks) which they will need in readiness for Year 7 next year. This will take place at the College Uniform Shop on specific days during Weeks 7 and 8 this term.
In preparation for this occurrence, parents and carers are asked to please complete the Uniform Shop Order Form, which was sent via email last week, and ensure your son has this paperwork with him on the day of his fitting. Please refer to the recent email regarding the Year 7 uniform fittings for further information about the process.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email (glenn.stephenson@spc.nsw.edu.au) or phone (8705 9247) and I will endeavour to assist you in any way that I can.
May God bless you,
Glenn Stephenson
Director of Junior School
Mission Mass and ‘Walk for Change’
The Junior School had a celebration of the eucharist last Friday to support Mission initiatives all around the world. The boys’ participation was excellent through singing and involvement in the parts of the liturgy. During the homily we listened to guest speakers from Mission Australia and St Gabriel’s School Castle Hill who emphasised the difference that would be made by the fundraising done by the Junior School.
Unfortunately, as we left the Chapel to do the ‘Walk for Change’ a light sprinkle began to fall, followed by rain that forced us to abandon the walk. It was the only rain we had all day!! The sun came out for recess and a highlight of the day was seeing the interaction between the St Gabriel’s students and our SPC boys out on the oval.
The final tally for fundraising has not come in yet, but we are expecting over $20,000. The ‘Walk’ will still proceed on a date to be decided in the coming weeks. Thank you for all your support for our Mission partners and encouragement of the boys.
Stephen Cooper
Junior School Religious Education Coordinator