
Years 7 to 10 Reports and Years 7 to 11 Optional Parent/Teacher Interviews
By the end of Week 7, Years 7 to 10 student reports will be posted on the TASS Parent Lounge and as per the College Calendar, Optional Parent/Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Wednesday 6 December in two sessions, 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM and then 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM. The interviews shall take place in the College Gymnasium.
The interview booking facility in TASS will be open to parents/carers at 9:00 AM on Thursday 23 November and will close at noon on Tuesday 5 December. Thereafter, any parental request to change an interview time must be made by mutual agreement with the teacher via email.
More details regarding student reports and Optional Parent/Teacher Interviews to follow in due course.
Speech Night 2023
As stated in the Wednesday 11 October issue of the Especean, the College’s Annual Speech Night will be held at the Quaycentre, Sydney Olympic Park on Friday 1 December commencing at 6:30 PM with an estimated finish time around 8:30 – 8.45 PM. Parking for the Quaycentre will be available in Sydney Olympic Park P3 on Sarah Durack Avenue. Please refer to the map below.
Attendance is compulsory for all students from Years 5 to 11. All students from Years 5 to 10 are to be in attendance in full College Summer uniform. All Year 11 students, all prize winners and some performers will be required to wear their blazers and they will be informed separately in due course.
Entry doors to the venue’s Main Arena are scheduled to open at 5:45 PM. Parents, carers and guests are to enter via Door 2. College students and staff will enter via Door 5. Invited VIPs will enter via Reception.
Outside purchased food or drink are not allowed inside the venue. Students are not allowed to chew gum nor have water/drink bottles on the Main Arena floor.
All students will be required to report to their homeroom teacher on arrival to the Main Area to have their names marked off and they will be shown where to sit.
Please note that the upper concourse level kiosks will be trading for snacks and refreshments from 5:45 PM and will close at 8:00 PM. Parents/carers cannot deliver food or drinks to their sons on the Main Arena floor once inside the venue; that includes before, during or after official proceedings.
It is also important to note that full student attendance at the College is compulsory and expected on each school day up to 3:10 PM on Tuesday 5 December.
Michael Cutrupi
Director of Curriculum