Junior School Production - Aladdin Jr

Girton Grammar’s Junior School students will whisk audiences to a whole new world when they stage their production of Aladdin Jr at The Capital Theatre this month.


Over three nights from 17 to 19 October, around 170 students from Years 2, 4 and 6 will bring to life the family favourite with plenty of heart, humour and magic.


Production director and drama teacher, Mrs Jenny Geyer, says that along with hearing the songs they know and love, the audience can expect to see phenomenal performances from the talented young cast, who have been rehearsing weekly since the start of Term 2.


“It’s a colourful, joyful and energetic show, with high-quality performances that reflect the many hours of hard work all the students have put in,” Mrs Geyer says.


“The students have embraced the challenge of learning the songs and choreography, and enjoy the camaraderie of performing with their peers.”


Apart from unlocking the creative talents of Girton’s youngest students, Mrs Geyer says that the characters and settings in Aladdin Jr have provided a valuable opportunity to promote inclusivity and encourage discussions about cultural diversity.


Co-director and fellow drama teacher, Mrs Lucy Butler-Rees, says the Junior School Production provides a special opportunity for the students to shine in front of their families and the wider community.


“For many of the students, it can be their first time in a theatre – let alone being the performers on stage,” Mrs Butler-Rees says.


“They love seeing ‘behind the scenes’ as they get to experience the backstage and dressing rooms. Added to that, the fun of dressing up in the costumes, the lights, and the opportunity to create a performance that brings joy to their families makes it an unforgettable experience.”


Participation in a production of this scale and professionalism can also foster a lifelong love of performing arts, she adds.


“We have watched many students discover a love for theatre and performing through their experience in the Junior School Production that they carry on throughout Senior School and beyond.”


Aladdin Jr will run from 17 to 19 October at 7pm at The Capital, Bendigo. Tickets are now available for public purchase at gotix.