Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander News

Term 4, Week 6 2024
MCC’s Cultural Message stick
What a remarkable Term 4, filled with exciting events, achievements and impactful programs that continue to enrich our McCarthy Catholic College community.
Warraymaylaya Maal Dhuw Retreat
During week 1, Year 8 & 9 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students from across the Diocese commenced their journey in the Warraymayalaya Maal Dhuwi Retreat focusing on "Aboriginal Spirituality and Identity" McCarthy Catholic was lucky that we had a number of students in attendance.
The retreat focused on the meaning of Aboriginal Spirituality & Identity, knowing who you are, where you come from and being proud, understanding the importance of the meaning of Warraymayalaya - "Stand together" and Maal Dhuwi - "One Spirit" within our Diocese. Students engaged in cultural and team building activities to build courage, resilience, meet new friends, have fun and learnt about the importance of carrying one's Spirit and Identity together.
"Gaba Nginda" (THANKYOU) to everyone for making the Warraymaylaya Maal Dhuwi (Standing Together as One Spirit) Retreat, a culturally safe and rewarding experience for our students and staff.
'Ngaar Wirribiiyaan' Girls Cultural Program - Empowering Strong Young Women
We're thrilled to have commenced the 'Ngaar Wirribiiyaan' Girls Cultural Program, which is dedicated to guiding our young women on their cultural, academic, and career journeys. The program aims to empower participants to embrace their cultural identity, offering mentorship for academic and personal growth while fostering community support.
Opportunity Hub
This term welcomes new students to engage with Opportunity Hub during Yarn Up sessions, where Matt, Letrel, and Sam are providing additional mentoring opportunities intertwined with cultural activities. This approach aims to support students on their journey, both academically, personally and culturally.
St Nicholas & St Joseph's School visit
The MCC Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander team had the privilege of mentoring students at St Nicholas in dance and supporting St Joseph's students in learning an Acknowledgement of Country in traditional Gamilaraay language. Gratitude to St Nicholas and St Joseph's for providing these opportunities for our team to engage with younger students on their Cultural journey.
CSNSW visit to McCarthy Catholic College
In Week three, all Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students were honored to meet key figures from Catholic Schools NSW, engaging in discussions on matters relevant to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students in Catholic Schools. The cultural exchange included captivating performances by our Cultural Dancers. Special thanks to Dallas McInerney CEO of Catholic Schools NSW, Mrs Sharon Cooke Senior Manager Aboriginal Education at Catholic Schools NSW, Mrs Regina Menz, School Performance Leader Armidale Catholic Schools Office and Mrs Karen Tighe Subject Matter Expert: Indigenous Education, for taking time to listen to the voice of our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Students.
Ma & Morley Scholarship Program
A heartfelt congratulations to Hallie Munro for securing The Ma & Morley Scholarship at Newcastle University. This prestigious scholarship, honoring the friendship of Jack Ma and Ken Morley, supports Hallie's academic journey with benefits such as financial assistance, a values-based leadership program, a China immersion experience and life-long friendships and bonds.
Again, Congratulations Hallie, we are so proud of your achievements and can’t wait to see where your journey takes you.
Year 12 Formal
Warmest congratulations and best wishes to our Year 12 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students as they step into the next chapter of their lives. Wyatt Allen, Teleah Brown, Troy Carroll, Hallie Munro, Seb Lawler, Ethan Ross and Charlotte Porter - you are our future leaders and we are so proud of you.
Spotlight on success
During the last school holidays Lilly and Bella Dow attended Kootingal and District Pony Club annual camp, for the week. Both ladies made some awesome achievements
Bella was awarded the John Stokoe memorial show jumping encouragement trophy and Lilly was awarded Girls u15 & u17yrs highest point score Waugh family trophy, girls/boys 11 to 17 yrs highest point score (tied) Thompson family trophy , over all highest point score boy and girl u17yrs (tied) oliphant family trophy, fastest barrel race time Harold Northy memorial trophy.
Fantastic riding and congratulations.
Representative Sport
A heartfelt acknowledgement to the numerous Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students at McCarthy who have excelled in various sports and teams, making significant contributions to the school's, personal and community sporting achievements.
Sharing - Spotlight on Success
If you have achievements or successes from our MCC Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students that you'd like to acknowledge, please email Lisa at lsmith11@arm.catholic.edu.au. We are enthusiastic about celebrating the accomplishments of our students!
Let us continue to celebrate and honour the rich heritage of and Aboriginal & Torres Strait communities. Together, we stand strong, embracing our traditions and contour building a brighter future for all.
Lisa Smith
Aboriginal Education Assistant