Careers & VET News

Careers News for Week 10 Newsletter
Year 12 2023
The countdown is on to December 14th when the HSC results are released at 5.45am and ATARs are available from 9am. For some students this will be good news and some may be disappointed. I encourage students and their parents/carers to contact the school if it looks like the planned goal and pathway straight into a desired course at a certain university will not be possible.
As Careers Adviser, I know about many alternative pathways or courses to assist students reaching their goal. I will be available by email ( to offer possible options depending on the goal.
Universities, TAFE and private colleges all offer courses and pathways for Year 12 school leavers seeking further education and qualifications. Please read emails, follow instructions sent to you by institutions and make sure you do so by any dates that are deadlines.
Information for students and parents/carers on all the after school options can be found by clicking here: Careers@McCarthy website
Susan Barrett
Careers Adviser (University & Subject Selection)
Samantha Cox
Careers & VET Support Officer, Education Assistant
Shane Vesey-Wells
Leader of Learning - Transitions