
HSC 2023
The HSC exams are over for another year. Thank you to Mrs Carol Wheaton and her team for invigilating these exams. Thank you to students for the respect and cooperation you demonstrated to all involved. This year school principals will have access to the ATAR of those students who have applied through UAC. All information will be treated with confidentiality.
Yr 12 2024
Students have made a positive start to Yr 12 study in preparation for the 2024 HSC. While students’ pattern of study will be protected, there will be some potential teacher changes in the 2024 timetable to accommodate the commencement of Maths Standard 1 course and changes arising from student movement - that is dropping a subject. Students will shortly be asked to confirm their NESA enrolment.
Year 10 Record of School Achievement
Year 10 students have been given an opportunity to activate their NESA students online accounts. This account becomes important to students as they reach exit points from their secondary schooling. Shortly students in Year 10 who are discontinuing their secondary education will be able to access their Record of School achievement through their NESA Students Online portal.
Stage 5 Electives
Students in Yr 8 & 9 have now made their selections for 2024. The timetable for 2024 is under construction. Students will be able to access their timetable via COMPASS when the school year commences next year.
Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT)
During Week 5 students in Years 7-10 completed Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) in Reading, Numeracy, Science and Writing. These assessments help identify student’s knowledge, skills and understandings in each area. They are an indicator of where they are in their learning journey and what next steps are needed to progress. Congratulations to all students for their commitment to these assessments.
Congratulations to the class of 2023.
HSC results and ATARs were released today. The college is proud of the students and the results obtained. Students achieved Band 6 results in Studies of Religion I, Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Standard 2, Biology and Ancient History. The students also obtained a significant number of results in Band 5. It is pleasing to see the hard work and dedication of students rewarded in these results.
Sally Sparke
Assistant Principal - Curriculum
Briony Martin
Leader of Learning and Teaching/Leader of Pedagogy
Nicole Anderson
Leader of Pedagogy/Literacy Coach