School News

Week 10 Update
As we come to the end of another highly successful term, I would like to acknowledge the hard work of our students and staff. The students are always highly engaged and striving to learn and grow. Every one of them embraces our school motto 'Aiming High'. Our teachers continued commitment to ensuring our students get the highest quality education is brilliant. Well done everyone!
Empowered Learners at LNPS - Community Night
Our Community Night last week provided a look at a wide range of quality teaching and learning programs.
Thank you to all our families who attended. It was great to have so many community members attend to connect with learning and each other. We hope all the families enjoyed seeing all the work the children have put together and the children enjoyed being able to show off their hard work.
I would also like to acknowledge the hard work and commitment of our staff to put this event together and to our Governing Council members for providing the pancakes. It is a huge commitment and we appreciate the dedication.
Next year Community Night will be held in Term 4 and Sports Day in Term 3. We will be holding a major performance on the oval. We are in the planning stages but it is going to be big! Bring on next year!
Here is a small gallery from the night.
Class Placements 2024
In the first few weeks of Term 4, the process to place students into classes for 2024 will begin.
Classes are formed according to:
- The number of students at each year level
- The Education Department’s recommended teacher-to-student ratio as per the funding model
- Staff knowledge about students' educational and wellbeing needs
- Information provided by parents that address the LNPS Class Placement Guidelines (please see attached)
Class Placement Guidelines-COMMUNITY.pdf
If parents wish to provide further educational information to support this process, please use the LNPS Class Placement Guidelines.
Information or requests that do not meet the criteria outlined in the guidelines will not be taken into consideration.
Please email or by Friday 20th October.
It is vital that requests are received by this date as teachers and leadership will begin collaborating in the early weeks of Term 4.
Families will be notified of their child's class placement on Monday 11th December.
Any requests after families are notified of their child's placement will not be considered.
Assembly and Early Dismissal
This Friday we will be hosting our final Assembly for the term. It will begin at 1.00pm sharp in the Gym. We have a packed agenda to showcase and acknowledge learning so it would be great to see lots of parents in attendance.
Once the Assembly has concluded students will return to class for dismissal at 2:10pm. If you require OSHC due to the early dismissal please contact Rheanne as soon as possible.
LNPS Community Playgroup
Commencing Tuesday 24th October, 2023
Cost: FREE
We are really excited to announce the LNPS Playgroup.
A community-focused playgroup that welcomes all families with children 0-5 years old.
Our session runs from 1.30-3pm in the LNPS library (Tirkandi) and includes indoor and outdoor play activities, story time, music appreciation and sensory play.
We look forward to welcoming and engaging with the wider community to provide a fun and engaging playgroup. Please spread the word.
Have a great holiday break and we look forward to seeing everyone next term.
Tyson and Mirjana