Library News

Messages from our Librarian - Mrs Adams

This term we are learning about Non-Fiction.

A nonfiction book is one that tells you facts and information about the world around you. It can cover almost any topic, from wild animals to Vikings. If it's about something that really happened or something that really exists, it is nonfiction.

Kinder and Stage 1 are learning what a Non-Fiction Book is and how it is different from a fiction book. They are also learning to write down facts that they learn from the information. Here are some children trying to draw a diagram from books about Ducks and

animals that camouflage.


Stage 2 and 3 are learning about the Dewey System and how it is important in libraries so that we find it easier to find books. Stage 3 is busy designing spine labels that can be used in the library for future years.


Lunchtimes in the Library

For the next couple of weeks Jigsaws will be out so come in and join us in the library. There is a wide variety and some are very easy and some are tricky.


Please look for all library books and encourage your child to return and borrow each week.


Cath Adams