Level 3 & 4 Wonga Weekly

Week 2, Term 4


This term our Big Idea is 'Discovery'. Last week we started our scientific investigation learning about physical science (friction), change of state, life cycles, living things and human impact on our earth.  We will continue investigating over the coming weeks, rotating through exciting experiments that have been set up for our students.



This week we will be reading to clarify the main idea. We will be thinking about what big ideas contribute to the main idea, and determine which ideas, events or details are important to help retell the story.


What you can do at home

Ask your child to tell you about the main idea of the story they are reading. 'What is the big idea, message or theme of the story you are reading?'



This week we will be thinking carefully about sentence fluency. We will be looking at how our sentence structure can add voice to our writing and help the reader visualise and connect with the message we are trying to convey.


What you can do at home

Ask your child to check the the text they are reading for 'home reading' and find a variety of sentences-short, sharp sentences, long list-like sentences, sentences that end in exclamation marks. How do these varied sentences help you as the reader connect with the story?



In Maths, we will continue working with fractions. We will be modelling and representing unit fractions for halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and eighths. 


What you can do at home

Spend some time looking into recipe books with your child. Notice the fractions that are used in cooking (and then also notice that this recipe is a procedure!) Maybe you could even find a recipe to cook together this week?



Fundraiser Thursday 19th October-

This Thursday, we are holding a whole school fundraiser for Breast Cancer Research. During SAKG, the Gr 3 & 4 students have cooked cookies that will be sold on this day to all students ($1 for 2 cookies). It will also be a free dress day (wear a splash of pink), please bring a gold coin donation for this to add to our fundraising efforts. Thank you for your support.


Term 4 Homework-

This term, we are asking students to spend time at home looking at the two websites that are available to all Wonga Park students; Mathletics and Reading Eggs. If your child requires another copy of their passwords for these programs, please let their class teacher know. Personal Spelling tasks will now be completed in the classroom each week. Daily reading is still something that we continue to encourage students to do at home each night also. Please continue to record daily reading in the orange Reading Log.



Please help your child remember to pack a fully charged iPad in their school bag each day. We use iPads as a learning tool many times throughout the week. This is made much easier when students remember to bring these tools to school each day.




Tuesday 17th October - Cyber Safety Webinar - Digital Balance & Wellbeing 7.30pm

Thursday 19th October - Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser 

Monday 30th October - Friday 3rd November - Book Fair @ WPPS

Monday 20th November - Friday24th November - Swimming program