Principal’s Message

Mrs Katherine Baird

Dear Parents and carers


Welcome to Week 2, Term 4! It is hard to believe that we are now on the final run for the school year, but there is still plenty happening over the next few weeks. Mrs Kath Baird continues to be on leave and I will continue to be Acting Principal this week.  


Marriage and Family Week

This week we celebrate Marriage and Family Week at Sacred Heart. Each of us belongs to a family of people who love and care for us and each member of our family is special and brings their own gifts and talents to share with one another and to help the family. Throughout the week our students will be taking part in activities that will identify ways that they can help our families grow in love for one another.    


Yr 5 2024 Leadership Nominations

This Friday is the closing date for our Year 5 students to send in their nomination forms for leadership positions for 2024. It is so exciting to see the potential in our group of future leaders. Tuesday 14th November (Week 6) at 9am the students that have nominated will speak in front of the school about what will make them a great leader. Family members are invited to listen to these speeches. We can’t wait to hear their great qualities.    


PTF Meeting

The next PTF meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th of October at 5:30pm. All parents and friends are warmly invited to this meeting. 


Happy birthday to Kale who turns 10 on Wednesday 18th October. We hope you have an amazing day!


Kind regards

Kathlene Fenton

Acting Principal