3/4 Camp 2023

'Time spent amoungst the trees, is time never wasted.'

On September 6 this year, the 3/4 students went to camp. The 3/4S and 3/4F classes rode the big bus, while 3/4R took the small bus.


We first went to the Enchanted Adventure Garden. (location is 55 Purves Road, Arthur's Seat Victoria 3936) Some hedges got trimmed to create messages, and there was a massive slide. However, it was really tall, so I decided not to go on it. We also found a large playground with slides, nets, bridges, and ball pits. There were also enjoyable hedge mazes!

The tube slide at the Maze
The tube slide at the Maze


The Briars


After that, we went to Briars Camp for a snack of fruit and a drink called cordial, which had three flavours: orange, lime, and lemon. I chose the orange one. Then, all of us got put into teams, and mine got to try the giant swing first!

The giant swing was all about being lifted up by a rope and then let go to swing. If it wasn't your turn, your job was to pull to lift the person, and the team leader would tell you when to let go of the rope and stop.

Then, we had some* time to set up our beds and take a break. Then it* was dinner time, and we had lasagna and a salad with spinach, tomatoes, lettuce, and carrots. For dessert, there was a chocolate cake with sprinkles and ice cream!

Later, we watched a movie on a big screen using a projector, and I brought a blanket and pillow for comfort. We enjoyed a sci-fi film and had popcorn. Eventually, it was bedtime.

On day 2, we woke up and had to stay in our rooms until 7:00 AM. Once it was 7:00 AM, we had free time until 9:00 AM. Next, we headed to breakfast, which included toast and cereal. I chose rice bubbles and toast with butter. There was also an option for spaghetti if you were still hungry.

We then did the flying fox. It was lots of fun! It involves sitting on a seat attached to a zipline and then gliding down the line.

Morning tea was the same as last time. 

We next did Leap of Faith, where you jump from a high height strapped to a harness and hit the ball hanging on the wire above you. The Team Leader will slowly lower you.

Then, it was time for lunch. We had hotdogs with the choice of adding mustard, cheese, and ketchup. We ate it outside, and I loved it!

Next, we tried Low Ropes. 4 small groups of us worked together to get one person across without falling. There were many obstacles, and it was a lot of fun!

We had cordial and chocolate muffins for afternoon tea. Next, we did a nature walk where we watched animals and geese. They looked funny!

Then we had dinner and ate chicken schnitzels, vegetables and optional gravy. Dessert was jelly with ice cream.

We then did multiple activities in the recreation room. The team with the highest points got a high five from the group leader! We then went to bed.

On day 3, we woke up, packed up my bedding and fidget toys, and so did everyone else in my cabin. We had free time for about an hour. We then had breakfast. It was the same as last time. 

Next, we did a trivia about lots of things. When we were doing the trivia, a tree fell! It was a sight to see. We put our luggage in the hallway in the camp to get prepared and watched the TV show Mr. Bean while waiting for the bus.

The bus came, and we all loaded our luggage onto the bus. I let other people play with my fidgets during the drive. We went to the hall in the school, and I got a chocolate muffin and popcorn while waiting for my mum to pick me up. And finally, it’s...

THE END             recount by Alexander M


More student reports/recounts attached below these photos.