Deputy Principal's News

'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'

Anne Frank

Dear Parents and Families,

It has been another BIG fortnight of learning and fun at Fatima including a camp, an excursion and RUOK Day! While we have been working hard, Ms McDermott has been having her own adventure walking the Camino de Santiago trail in Spain! She has travelled with principals from MACS Southern Region in this very special pilgrimage as Catholic school leaders. What a wonderful opportunity! We can't wait to hear all about her amazing trip.  


Did someone say 'competitive'? Our students are aiming to match the same number of kms each day by running our school track every day! The class who comes closest will be announced next term. Hmm, if 3 laps equals 1km, how many laps does each class need to do to equal Ms McDermott's 25km distance each day? 

3/4 camp 

Our 3/4 students had the best time on camp at the Briars in Mornington. Camp staff report that our students have beautiful manners and were a pleasure to host. Thank you to Mr Ferguson, Mrs Rasdell, Mrs Sierakowski, Mrs Senior, Mrs Gillies, Mr Koole and Miss Garbett (our student teacher) for making it all happen. Please check out Alexander's detailed recount later in the newsletter!

1/2 excursion

Our 1/2s had adventures at Cranbourne Gardens too. 

Year 6 teacher buddy lunch

Year 6 students enjoyed lunch with their buddy teacher this week. It is a special time to connect, chat and give our senior students support as they get ready for Year 7, only one short term away now.


School production

Save the date! Our school production is happening on Thursday November 9th. It is already shaping up to be a spectacular event. Watch this space for more information in the coming weeks. 


Swimming Term 4

In Term 4 we commence swimming lessons at YAWA. These occur as two week intensive sessions for each year level, with each Wednesday as a rest day. The weeks are:

  • Prep and 1/2: Week 2 - 3, Monday 9th to Friday 20th October (not Wednesday)
  • Year 3/4s: Week 4 - 5, Monday 23rd to Friday 27th October (not Wednesday)
  • Year 5/6s: Week 7-8, Monday 13th to Friday 24th November (not Wednesday)

Footy Day!

This Friday is Footy Day (and other codes). Come in your team's colours or as your favourite sports person!


Thankyou to the fabulous Parents and Friends Association, led by Lisa Farrelly. What a disco! It is great to see our community coming together outside school hours to have fun.

Good Luck Mrs Willcourt

Last but not least, we say goodbye to Beth Willcourt who is starting her maternity leave. We wish her and her husband James every happiness as they prepare for the arrival of their little one.


School returns for all srtudents on Monday 2nd October. Have a wonderful holiday everyone! 


Gill Carr

Deputy Principal