From Mrs Scott's Desk

10 November 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


Today was our last transition day for our Kinder 2024 students. They have settled so well into their new school and class. It’s like they have always been here! 


A big thank you to Mrs Brady for all her organisation of the four transition days and for presenting to the parents this morning at the Information Session. As I said to the parents this morning, Kinder 2024 are in very good hands with Mrs Brady and we appreciate her expertise, professionalism and care. 


To our new families starting in 2024, I say thank you for choosing St Joey’s to journey with you in the primary education of your child/ren. When we enrol a child at St Joey’s, we enrol a whole family.


Upcoming Events/Dates

We are officially moving into the last 5 weeks of the school year and we have many special events and dates to note. We have attached a calendar of dates for the remainder of the year to keep up with all the events. 


A Compass notification came out this week noting two date changes for significant events. The school disco is now Friday 24th November from 6.00-7.30pm in the MPC. The theme is ‘Christmas’ and all students need to be supervised by a parent/adult for this event. Food will be pre ordered and paid for on QKR and a menu with details will be sent home next week.


Our annual speech night has also been changed to Thursday 14th December at 6pm. Students will wear casual clothes to school on that day so uniforms are ready for the evening. 



Parent Satisfaction Survey

It is important for us as a school to receive feedback in order to continue to improve and grow. Parent Surveys help clarify and strengthen the important relationship between parents and the school. A parent survey is coming out to all families today via compass. 


Participation in the survey is optional and anonymous. We encourage all  parents to complete this survey so we can build a robust data set and act upon it. The survey will close at 3.00pm on Friday 1st December 2023. 



Joey’s Cup ‘Thank You’

Our annual Joey’s Cup which was held this Tuesday was yet again a huge success and plenty of fun. 


A huge thank you to Becci Brabin and the parents of Year 1 who organised this event so impeccably. We hope all our guests at the luncheon enjoyed their food and entertainment by the students. 


This event is not possible without the generous donations from our sponsors. Their donations will contribute to the continued resourcing and quality education of our students. We will communicate the final amount raised once it has been calculated.



Remembrance Day

Today our whole school observed 1 min silence ahead of Remembrance Day tomorrow to pay homage to all those Australian men and women who died whilst serving in wars, conflicts and peace keeping operations.  


I thank Josh Flagg and Lexi Hatch in advance, who will be accompanied by Mr Pratt to lay a wreath on behalf of St Joseph’s at the service tomorrow in town.














Compass Attendance

A reminder that all students who arrive at school after the morning bell at 9.00am must be accompanied by an adult into our school office to sign in on our Compass Kiosk. This is a legal requirement and students are not permitted to sign themselves in.


If you are picking your child up during the school day for any reason, please let the front office know before you arrive so they can notify the teacher. If you arrive at school to collect a child without prior notification, please understand that we may require extra time to locate your child if they are not in their classroom but elsewhere in the school.


Parents/carers are required to submit an attendance note in Compass for any full day absences of their child/ren from school within 7 days of the date of absence. This can be done in the Compass App. Please ensure you provide all the relevant details for why your child/ren are not at school as any notes added without comment or detail become an unjustified absence. 


Wishing you all a lovely weekend.


God Bless

Angela Scott