Principal Introduction

Dear Parents, Carers, and Students,
I hope you have had a great Term 4 so far, and in particular an exciting start to Step Up. We have had transition activities for all levels, but in particular for our Year 9s who are starting their Senior School journey. Your child's home group teacher and subject teachers will have emailed to introduce themselves; please reply back and share any additional information about your child to help with their transition.
The school is a little quieter at the moment as we don't have Year 7s or the graduating Year 12s on site, but we are looking forward to a busy December with many orientation activities with our incoming Grade 6 cohort, as well as our Valedictory Presentation for our freshly minted Year 12 graduates.
Middle School parents will have received information about the End Of Year Activities; as with all extra activities and events at EMC, please get involved in everything, build connections, and mostly have a great time.
Year 10s have an important additional transition activity coming up, December 4th and 5th every Year 10 will have a one on one interview with their Home Group Teacher for goal setting and analysis of their Year 10 results. Students have already begun work on this in Home Group by looking up their own data and entering it in their personalised form on Compass Insights. Parents are encouraged to contribute to this process.
Thank-you to all the parents, carers, and grandparents who have been on site this week either at the Year 10 Success Afternoon, or the Year Level Awards. It's important that parents and carers connect with us and see their children's success or hear the information in person, creating opportunities for questions and answers. Keep an eye out for events next year.
We have much to celebrate this year with outstanding student academic results in NAPLAN, and we know the VCE results to come will also be outstanding as they were last year. Student and family engagement in excursions, camps, sports, production, course counselling, and may other events has exceeded all previous years, creating positive experiences and learning partnerships.
We are well established for success in 2024 and the best possible outcomes for your child. In the meantime, everyone have a lovely finish to Term 4 and 2023.
Kind regards,
Laura Spence
Assistant Principal