Teacher Re-Engagement Initiative

The Department of Education is funding placements for teachers returning to schools
The department has launched the Teacher Re-Engagement Initiative (TREI) to help Victorian government schools host returning teachers to get them ready to return to the school workforce.
The initiative places returning teachers at schools for up to 40 days, where they are offered support and mentoring and can participate in school-based activities under the guidance of experienced teachers.
TREI supports:
- Teachers returning from a career break of greater than 1 year.
- Retired teachers returning from a break of greater than 1 year.
- Teachers on extended unpaid parental absence for greater than 2 years.
How to Participate
Schools can take part in two ways:
- By identifying and approaching returning teachers in your community or professional networks who have been out of the teaching workforce. Your school and the returning teacher can submit a joint expression of interest here.
- If you would like to be matched with a teacher provided by the department, please complete an expression of interest here.
Find out more
For more information, refer to the Teacher Re-Engagement Initiative webpage.
For further enquiries, contact the Schools Workforce Initiatives team:
Phone: 03 7022 5555