Deputy Principal's Message

It is hard to believe that Week 6 is already here. Each day seems to be filled with so many exciting things. This will be my last newsletter as Relieving Deputy Principal as Mrs Howlett will be back in the chair this week. As the end of the year approaches, please continue to check for updates on daily happenings at school via this newsletter, the School Stream app or on School Bytes.
Road Safety
We understand that drivers’ behaviours are out of our control, however, we are receiving many reports of an increase in issues during drop-off and pick-up times, as well as students not using the crossing correctly at the lights, especially in the afternoons. Recently, some students were seen by members of the community using the crossing at the lights on a red walk symbol into the path of oncoming traffic. We have revisited the importance of using the lights/crossings correctly with the students including:
- Making sure there is a green walk symbol before you cross.
- Checking to ensure there is no traffic before you cross.
We would appreciate all families also having this discussion with students to help them understand the importance of following the traffic signals.
School Attendance
A reminder that parents are required to provide an explanation for student absences to the school within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence. In the situation where your child has any of the following and a notification has not been made to the school, you may be contacted by either phone or email to explain the absences:
- More than 3 days absent in a row.
- Frequent unexplained absences and the percentage attendance for the student has dropped below department guidelines.
- The school notices a pattern of absences by the student.
Supporting positive school attendance is a shared responsibility - everyone has a role. Please contact the school if we can assist you in this area.
Around the Classrooms
It is easy to get stuck in an office dealing with the administrative side of school, so during the last fortnight, I have made it my goal to get out and about, visiting classrooms. This has been wonderful on two fronts. I am able to see the students' happy smiling faces, as well as witnessing first-hand all the great things going on in classrooms. This past fortnight I have:
- Been lucky enough to see some great InitialLit lessons going on, even participating in a lesson myself (thank you to Mrs Frost and Miss Campbell as well as the great students in S1F and S1L).
- Witnessed the slick ukulele skills of S2L and the talented Mrs Porter, playing along to the fabulous tune 'Riptide'.
- Seen some great engagement from students during maths groups in Stage 2.
- Watched in awe as our future tech wizards code their way to problem solving glory, thank you S3P and S3J.
Great things really are happening here all the time!
Jeanenne Gale
Relieving Deputy Principal