Principal's Message

Welcome back to Cam Pryce, who returns to the principal's chair this week and thank you to Jeanenne Gale for relieving in the Deputy's chair.
With only 5 weeks of the school year remaining, we have a jam-packed calendar with many exciting and important events occurring over the final weeks of term. While preparing for the end of the year, it has been wonderful to see the continuing engagement and learning that is happening across the school. We look forward to welcoming the school community to these events, to join in with the celebrations.
Creative Arts Showcase
Our Creative Arts Showcase will now be held on Wednesday 29 November. Please note the date has been changed to Wednesday to avoid a clash with the Armidale City Council's Christmas in the Mall event. All students and families are invited to share in the fun of the evening.
Food will be provided by the P&C to purchase from 5:30 pm, with the show starting in the hall at 6:30 pm. There will be a range of performances involving students from Kindergarten to Stage 3. Students who are involved will soon receive a note via School Bytes with further details.
End of Year events - Learning showcases and assemblies
Our annual Learning Showcases and end-of-year celebrations are planned for Week 9 this term.
The K-2 event will be held on Wednesday 6 December from 12:00 - 1:00 pm. Celebrations will begin in the hall with a Celebration of Learning assembly. We will then move into open classrooms for our K-2 Learning Showcases from 12:30 - 1:00 pm. Parents, carers and families are then invited to join their child/children for a picnic lunch on the pebbles.
3-6 will be holding their event on Thursday 7 December. We will begin with open classrooms for the 3-6 Learning Showcases from 11:35 am - 12:05 pm. The end-of-year assembly, including the Year 6 farewell, will be held from 12:15 - 1:00 pm. This will be followed by a BBQ lunch.
Families and carers are invited to share in the celebrations with us. We look forward to seeing you there.
Before School Supervision
Students and families are reminded that our playground is supervised from 8:40 am.
PCYC operates a before and after school care service on site. We strongly recommend that families utilise this service if students need to be dropped to school before 8:40am or collected after 3:30pm. School-based supervision is not provided outside of these times.
2024 class placement requests reminder
A reminder that the opportunity for families to make requests for special consideration in the class placement process should be made via email to before Tuesday 14 November. Please be aware that requests are sometimes conflicting, and not all requests can be accommodated.
Teachers work diligently on the complex task of creating functional class groupings for the new year. We aim to create classes with an even mix of boys and girls, academic and social development levels, behavioural and learning support needs, while also accounting for friendships, separations and other student needs.
Selective High School Application - final reminder
Applications for Year 7 entry into selective high schools in 2025 close next Monday 20 November. Applicants must apply before the closing date via the link on the selective high schools and opportunity classes Year 7 website.
Lana Howlett
Relieving Principal