Junior Classroom News

F/1/2 News
Transition Prep
It was great to have Transition Prep’s back for their first session this term on Friday 13th October. We were joined by some of our future students who enjoyed learning about the school, art and Walker Learning. They had the opportunity to participate in a scribble art lesson with Mrs Jamieson and then had the chance to form friendships with some of the current F/1/2 students. The Transition Prep’s artwork can be found at the door leading into the South building. We look forward to having the Transition Prep’s back again this Friday.
The F/1/2 students have shown great learning and adaptation to change over the past couple of weeks.
In Maths we are continuing to learn about time. We have been focusing on the features of analogue clocks and working out how to read times to the quarter hour using words like: half past, quarter to, quarter past and o’clock.
In English, we were very excited to participate in the Staging Stories Virtual Incursion. We joined three other schools and a representative from the Sydney Opera house to learn about the story “Pig in the pond” by Martin Waddell. The students heard the story in book form and through a song. The students were asked questions about what happened in the book. Isaac was chosen to answer about what the problem or complication was in the book. All of the students then had turns of acting as one of the animals from the story. It was a great interactive session that reinforced the language around the parts of a story using the words orientation, complication and resolution.
The F/1/2 class also really enjoyed the Rushworth P-12 Production rehearsal yesterday. Their favourite parts were the music and dancing. They are all very excited to do our school production next year.
Coming up on Wednesday 8th November, the students will be participating in a Letterland Dress Up Day to mark the completion of their introduction to the core Letterland phonics skills. The students are invited to dress up as their favourite Letterland characters. If you need more information about what the characters look like, each student has access to Letterland Phonics Online that has images on all of them. Your child’s login to this site should be in their reader folder from earlier in the year.
Grade 3/4 News
This fortnight we have been busy bees. We have gotten right back into the swing of things post camp.
In maths we have been learning about location and symmetry. We learnt that shapes can have more than one line of symmetry and practiced this through making our own snowflakes! We also completed an obstacle course blindfolded in pairs. One pair had to direct by saying slide left/ right and move forwards and backwards to get their partner through the course.
As a class we have been reading the book 'Wonder'. We have been learning that everyone's body is different- this can be on the inside and outside. We have been learning that it is important to choose to be kind to everyone. We look forward to watching the movie Wonder at the end of the term.
In blue earth we have been practicing patterns and rhythms by jumping into hoops to get to the other side without crashing into others. We loved having Jimmy back for a visit!
In literacy we have created some persuasive writing pieces... The class is trying to persuade Mrs Brook to have a class party! Stay tuned to see if they have used their persuasive skills well enough to get a party!