Our Star awards...

You're a Star Awards for Week 3 of Term 4 were awarded at assembly on 20 October:

FNInnes WFor being a kind, helpful and hardworking student! Keep it up Innes! 
FHArchie JFor your amazing focus and effort with your sentence writing this week. Super work Archie! 
FBTheo FFor always having a RED HOT CRACK! You have a great attitude toward learning!
FWLily KFor writing adventurous recounts and working hard to add extra detail.
1PGeorgia FFor being a thoughtful, caring and responsible friend, welcoming our new student. Thank you for helping Annabel settle in. 
1JFlorence DFor making a massive effort to be an independent and responsible student this week!
1SNoah A For making an amazing effort to show Respect during our class challenge this week! What beautiful manners you have Noah! 
1WZoe JAlways showing Respect and encouraging others to do the right thing. Well done Zoe!
2GAshleigh W      For your thoughtful contributions during class discussions this week. Well done!
2MGemma HFor consistently showing respect and cooperation in a number of different ways.
2NLyla DFor working hard to achieve her best in all areas of the curriculum. A wonderful attitude Lyla!
2TSammy TFor his interesting contributions to our Inquiry discussions about Habitats. Well done Sammy!
3BEvelyn LFor her fantastic start at Parkdale! Way to go Evelyn!
3BAmelia LFor her awesome persuasive text about why Wilson's Prom is the best place in Australia! Very convincing Amelia!
3HNina D For writing a fantastic persuasive text about why Byron Bay is the best place to visit in Australia. 
3JPeyton CFor writing a fabulously engaging introduction to her persuasive text. Well done! 
3RMika BFor her excellent fluency demonstrated during reading!
3RSally N-GFor her kind, caring and cheeky personality!
4BJackson CFor his outstanding responses and contributions during our 'Wonder' reading sessions.
4PRogan RFor quality responses and depth of understanding about our class novel, 'Wonder' Keep up the great work.
4PSusie GFor thinking of others by showing initiative to be of assistance in any way. Much appreciated so thank you Susie.
5GIsla WFor her excellent work in maths with interpreting and representing data. Well Done!
5GArya L For her excellent discussion and responses to comprehension questions this week. Great Job!
5HMinnie CFor her improved ability to take risks with her learning and give challenging tasks a go. 
5HWilliam HFor approaching all activities with a positive mindset. Congratulations Will!
5OWilla GFor continuously showing responsibility and a positive attitude towards all classroom tasks.
5RHenley FFor displaying a fantastic work ethic in Maths and achieving personal best results.
5SElla SFor her outstanding, well thought out and mature contributions in all class discussions.
6BAdrian BFor making outstanding progress on his Memory Book and his exceptional behaviour in the classroom.
6CGrace CFor her engagement and effort in all learning areas and tasks. Well done Grace! 
6MHarry BFor being a kind and respectful member of the 6M team. Well done Harry! 
6RSam TFor taking great pride in his work and striving to achieve his personal best in all areas of the curriculum. 


You're a Star Awards for Week 4 of Term 4 were awarded at assembly on 27 October:

FNOlivia MFor her fabulous contribution during our Inquiry sessions about animals. Keep it up Olivia!
FHAudrey BFor your wonderful 'Show & Tell' presentation on chess, sharing lots of knowledge and talent with the class. 
FBKyle SFor always being helpful and doing the right thing. Thanks for being a champ!
FWRania RFor working super hard during learning time and putting in her best effort. Well done Rania!
1PAnnabel LFor being an amazing addition to 1P! For making a great start, trying new things and making new friends. Welcome Annabel!
1JFrankie SFor always being a super respectful student who thinks about others and shows initiative to be inclusive. 
1SHannah GFor being such a thoughtful, considerate classmates who models our value of Respect perfectly! You're a Super star Hannah!
1WStevie MFor her enthusiasm and dedication to help 1W achieve their best in showing Respect! Well done Stevie!
2GCharlotte M         For always trying your best in all class activities. Well done!
2GMaggie AFor your amazing writing that includes adjectives and punctuation. Well done!
2MMia LFor her attention to detail and accuracy with Word Study and writing her fairy tale.
2NSunny DFor always having a happy and positive attitude to learning. Fabulous Sunny!
2NPoppy WFor working well to complete her animal poster and "sizzling start" narrative. Well done Poppy!
2TEstella CFor reading aloud with excellent fluency and expression. Well done!
2TAlex St CFor his interesting contributions to our Inquiry discussions about how animals adapt to their habitats. Well done!
3BMaria CFor being a kind, helpful member of our class! You're awesome Maria!
3HZali FFor her excellent use of emotive vocabulary and sentence structure in her recent persuasive text. Well done!
3JChloe AFor her very well written persuasive text. The use of adjectives really helped to create a mental image in the reader's mind. Well done. 
3RScarlett FFor being very helpful throughout the week!
3RRyan WFor his insightful input into class conversations!
4BMaeve DFor her interesting and insightful explanation text on the life cycle of a crocodile.
4DLilah DFor consistently showing that she is a great student through her support of her friends, the quality of her school work and the respect she shows to all around her.
4PLucas HFor displaying enthusiasm & completing very good work with our Inquiry topic this term.
4SLily SFor her constantly positive approach to learning and being a highly supportive classmate.
4SJosh FFor working extremely hard to earn his P plates and improved focus during lessons.
5GSophie CFor always demonstrating a positive attitude to class tasks and striving to do your very best. Awesome! 
5HGrace IFor always looking to show kindness and empathy towards her peers. Well done Grace! 
5OBen CFor always making valuable contributions to class discussions, especially during our mentor text lessons.
5RTaylor L-JFor always being a kind, considerate and responsible friend in the classroom and yard.
5SAudrey HFor your deep and detailed contributions to our class discussions on our novel ‘A Single Shard’. Awesome!
6BEva BFor making excellent progress on her memory book and her outstanding behaviour.
6CZac BFor working hard in learning time and making great progress in his Reading and Maths assessments
6MTaylor CFor making great progress in his Reading and Maths assessments this term. Keep working hard! 
6RPeter NFor your dedication to our ‘Treasure Island’ novel study, by putting in effort to justify your responses with evidence.