Junior School

World Kindness Day

Last week was an important occasion in the global calendar, World Kindness Day! 


In the midst of all the ups and downs life throws at us, this day is about giving kindness a well-deserved ‘shout-out.’ Kindness is a force for good that can mend broken hearts, bridge divides, and uplift the human spirit. It's a gift that we can all afford to give, whether through a helping hand, a compassionate ear, or just sharing a genuine smile.


Embracing kindness not only makes the world a better place, but also adds a touch of goodness to our own lives. Research tells us that kindness ramps up our own energy, as well as our oxytocin and serotonin levels, promoting better health, mood, and overall wellbeing, while simultaneously reducing pain, stress, anxiety, depression, and blood pressure. Considering all of these benefits, surely acts of kindness are worth investing in then! 


Have you ever noticed that after doing a random act of kindness you also feel happier?

A fascinating study involving nearly 700 adults from various corners of the world found that engaging in simple acts of kindness every day for just one week significantly boosted people's overall happiness levels. In fact, the study showed that the more kind acts they performed, the happier they actually became.


What's truly remarkable is that it didn't matter whether these acts of kindness were directed towards friends, strangers, or oneself. The study affirmed that all flavours of kindness possess the extraordinary power to magnify our joy.


So, as we reflect on this important day, we encourage all of our students to consider how they can collectively channel the power of kindness to make the Junior School a better place for everyone to enjoy! 

Kids Giving Back

In light of the important theme discussed above, I recently received an email from the Kids Giving Back organisation which facilitates various meaningful, hands-on volunteering programs for children and their families to be involved in across Sydney. A number of Junior School students gave up their time during the last school holiday period in September/October to take part in at least one community-based program aimed at helping others who are less fortunate in our society. 


Congratulations to the following boys (in alphabetical order) who led by example in reflecting the core values upon which the College is founded. 

Christian Adaimy6 OrangeAnthony Khoury6 White
Jayden Chow 5 BlueElijah Kritsimas5 Red
Julian Courtelis5 GoldLucas Lieu 6 Gold
Ryan Forrest 5 BlueJospeh Morizzi 6 Orange
Ayaan Gupta5 GreenJoshua Moses 6 Orange
Raphael Guerrieri5 GoldZachary Nissirios 5 Blue
Xavier Hughes5 GoldJacob Tran5 Black
Harvier Kari6 WhiteLachlan Truong 5 White

During the upcoming school holiday period, there are several different programs which students can also participate in that will provide them with various opportunities to volunteer their time for the good of others and give back in age-appropriate ways. Please visit the following website here for further information about these worthy initiatives.

‘Junior School Has Talent’ Showcase Event

A reminder that next Tuesday morning, between 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM, the ‘Junior School Has Talent’ showcase will be held in the College Gymnasium. 


A number of selected students across both Years 5 and 6 will be performing a specific act during the event and all Junior School parents/carers, regardless of whether or not their son is performing, are invited to attend this exciting, upcoming talent showcase by clicking here to RSVP.


Good luck to those boys who have been chosen to perform on the day of this inaugural event!


If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email (glenn.stephenson@spc.nsw.edu.au) or phone (8705 9247) and I will endeavour to assist you in any way that I can.


May God bless you,


Glenn Stephenson

Director of Junior School

Junior School ‘Walk for Change’ 

We finally made it out onto the ovals to complete our ‘Walk for Change’, in solidarity with our Mission partners, after the original day was rained out. We ended up with 40 minutes of continual walking, acknowledging that the people we are supporting cannot just choose to ‘stop and have a break’ from whatever their situation might be.  

On behalf of the Mission partners, my thanks to the school community as $30,000 was raised to be shared among the four groups. This will make a significant difference to their resources and experiences.  


Stephen Cooper

Junior School Religious Education Coordinator

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