Assistant Principal Report - Junior School 

Mrs June Sainsbery

As teachers prepare for Rollover, students can also undertake their own preparation.  This can include reflecting on the year and acknowledging the many successes they have had, both academic and personal.  It is also a good opportunity to set some goals for 2024 that are achievable and will have positive effects on their education. These goals could focus on our Parkdale Ps.  For example, a goal to participate more in class by asking questions, to be better prepared for class through spending some time each evening checking Compass for the following day, to use the organiser daily to record homework and due dates for assessments and homework to foster punctuality.


Year 8 gratitude letters. As a part of the Year 8 Engagement Program this year, the students have been talking about gratitude and the many benefits that can come from showing appreciation and thankfulness towards others. Not only does the receiver of gratitude feel acknowledged that their efforts are not going unnoticed, but the giver also can feel a sense of satisfaction.  Last week the Year 8 students worked on writing a letter of gratitude to an adult at school that they would like to thank for the support that person has shown them.  This could be a teacher, a sport coach, their STEP teacher, an education support worker. It was great to observe students participating in this activity with maturity.


Thank you to the following Year 9 students who participated in Remembrance Day Services at Mentone and Cheltenham RSL last week:  Emma BATES, Tyson BRADLEY, Mohammed SALIM, Hannah DOWNWARD and Stephanie PHELPS.


Year 9 Mock Interviews were held this week.  This is extremely timely, as most of our Year 9s have either just turned 15 or are about to. Many students are about to begin the search for a part-time job and having practice at interview techniques can be great preparation.  Year 9 students are about to leave the Junior School and step up into the Senior School at Parkdale SC.  It has been delightful to observe how they have grown and matured during their time in the Junior School.  I wish them all success in 2024.