Assistant Principal Report Senior School 

By James Cumming

Our Year 12 students have now completed their VCE exams. We have been impressed by the way they have conducted themselves during the exam period, it was evident that the students have worked to the best of their ability. The Year 12 Valedictory was held on Thursday 16th of November. It was wonderful to celebrate the successful completion of schooling with the students and their families. 


The Year 10 and 11 students have begun their end of year exams. All relevant information including the exam timetable and protocols, can be found on Compass newsfeed. These exams are aimed to prepare our students for VCE Exams. 


Looking ahead, Transition Day will take place on Monday 27th of November.  Our Senior students will participate in voting for the 2024 School Captains, attend information sessions, team building sessions and receive a presentation from a guest speaker.