Admin Corner

By Daria McCulloch

Welcome back to another edition of the Admin Corner!


In this addition, we would like to remind families about attendances issues.

If you are planning a family holiday or travelling overseas before the last day of term (Friday 20th of Dec 2024) could you please send an email to our Glen Waverley email address with your child’s last day of attendance and also the return date next year. 


For those families that will still be holidaying at the start of the school year, (first day back for students is Wednesday the 29th Jan 2025) can you also send an email advising your child’s return dates to: This helps to keep our attendance records up to date and lets classroom teachers know when they are retuning back to school. 


Our office is always here to assist you with any questions, payments over the counter, or any Compass issues – feel free to come see us between the hours of 8am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday.


Kind Regards,


Daria McCulloch - Admin