Year 7
Year 7 PE enjoying playing Tball on a lovely warm day.
Here are the year 7 award winners for having the most green chronicles in their home group!
Year 7 Food Tech Creations
Last week, Year 7 students designed and prepared their own burgers in Food Tech for their assessment.
Students pictured: Zac & Callum, Tilly & Claudia, Oliver, Myah.
Year 8
Some photos from the past fortnight:
Nellie Knox 8E - Poem
Nellie is one of our First Nations students and wrote this poem for her Graded Assessment Task in English. She dedicated the poem to her brother.
Yeeram-Nyoo - Nellie Knox
Yeeram-Nyoo, just one more day
every tear, every breath, every laugh and every smile
I see you and your spirit slowly fading away
into the dream time.
As your spirit leaves the earth
and enters into Bunjil’s wings
every eagle
every feather
reminds me of your kind, gentle heart.
Knowing you’re with me every step of this journey
through the ups & downs, laughs & cries.
Yeeram-Nyoo, just one more day.
Stay one more day
push through.
Just one more day
Never hearing your voice, or seeing your smile,
knowing I’ll never see you again.
Yeeram-Nyoo, just one more day.
Year 9
Year 9 Food Tech Creations
Students in Year 9 Food Tech chose their own dish from an Asian country to cook as part of their assessment on Global Foods.
Students pictured: Ella & Natalie, John, Max, Mitchell.