The Learning Zone

Early Stage 1

Our Early Stage One young people have had a very busy end to the year. Earlier in the term, we learnt how to explain the life cycle of different animals. Our young people then had the opportunity to explain the life cycle of an animal of their choice, which we linked to our Science unit, where we are busy learning about living things. This also linked nicely with our Geography unit 'Places we Live', where we have been exploring special places and how to care for our environment around us. Early Stage One and Mrs Brennan decided that because all of our learning was connecting so beautifully across many Key Learning Areas, that we should showcase our learning and create our very own dioramas of living things in their own environment. Our young people have thoroughly enjoyed this learning process and they look forward to showing off their dioramas when finished. 


Stage 3

Stage Three have been investigating what people can do to make forces weaker or stronger. They have been experimenting with elasticity, bounce, upthrust, drag, tension and design to solve problems. The experiments have involved building small boats, creating new wing designs, creating parachutes and catapults and measuring the tension on a rubber band. The all time favourite experiment  was building a Rube Goldberg machine. Week 9 science, will involve a challenge to create a Rube Goldberg machine that uses all the forces we have learnt about this term.

Much fun was had when experimenting and the same information and understandings generated were used to write sensational examples of sequential explanations in English. 

Library News

End of year returns due by Wednesday 11th December 2024

With the end of the school year fast approaching we would like to ask if parents could please assist with the return of all outstanding library books. Overdue slips will be sent home, could you please help your child locate and return all outstanding books before Wednesday 11th December.


Thank you.




  • Overdue books need to be returned to the library asap!
  • Please ensure your child has a library bag so they can enjoy these reads at their leisure at home! Library Bags 🤝New Books