We can not believe that it is almost the end of the year! What a year it has been! We are so proud of what our students have achieved so far. We are looking forward to spending the rest of the term with our amazing Preps before they head off to Grade 1.
In Reading, we have been learning about information texts and their features, including subheadings and tables of contents. Thanks to our school and classroom libraries, our students could explore a range of nonfiction texts in the classroom.
In Writing, we have been learning about information texts. Students 'discovered' their own animals and wrote down a variety of facts about them. We then turned this into our class encyclopaedia. Check out some of our creatures below!
To finish off the year, we are going to be learning all about poetry.
In Maths, we have been learning about place value. Students have been looking at different ways to represent numbers, including bundle sticks. We have also been learning about different strategies to add and subtract numbers to build up our efficiency.
In Humanities, we have been learning about different things, including water safety. Students did a sensational job of explaining how we can stay safe when we are at the pool or the beach.
WOW! I have no other words, the students did an incredible job at the concert this week. Students did such a great job of practising and their costumes looked amazing. Thank you parents and families for your support with this.