Principal's Report

By Michael Mottershead 

FUN FIESTA – Friday 22nd November from 4-7pm


As we head into the final week leading to our exciting community ‘Fun Fiesta’, we are desperately seeking parent volunteers for several of our activities and stalls. For example, we only have 3 parent helpers at the BBQ and only 2 for the Haunted House!

To assist in the smooth running of the event and to share the workload around, we need your support. Please contact the office on 9547-1146 to book a suitable time and activity/stall. Just an hour of your time will make a difference! 

Thank-you to the parents/grandparents and family members who have already offered their time to assist. Your time is much appreciated! A reminder that every family that volunteers time to support our Fun Fiesta will be acknowledged in the newsletter after the event.

Don’t forget to send in your donations!

  • For several weeks, we have been having a class competition involving students earning ‘points’ for items donated to our Fun Fiesta. Flyers have been provided to all classes via Dojo and as handouts – there are many different categories of items that can be donated.
  • This week we are offering ‘triple points’ for items such as chocolate bars, so don’t miss out – send those donations in!
  • Weekly class competition totals are announced at Friday’s assembly and it’s not long to go before we will announce the final winning class, who will receive an AMAZING PRIZE for their efforts!
  • Thank-you if you have already sent in donations. We appreciate your generosity!

Remembrance Day Assembly Last Friday 8th November

Thank-you to the parents, grandparents and friends who joined us last Friday for our Remembrance Day Ceremony before our usual assembly. I would like to thank the following year 4 students, Hannah V (3/4R), Kingston H (3/4C), Robyn G and Chloe T (3/4E) for leading us so confidently and reverently.

Thank you to the teachers and students for creating a class wreath, which was presented at the ceremony. These were placed by the school captains and vice captains under our flagpole Monday morning. Lest we forget.


Yr.5/6 Excursion to Queen Victoria Market last Friday 8th November

Last Friday 8th November our year 5/6 students went on an excursion to the Queen Victoria Market. The purpose of the excursion was to experience how markets operate, in preparation for the year 6 ‘Market Day’ on Wednesday 27th November. Below are some of our students’ reflections on their experience. Thanks to Isabella. L, Tamsyn. M and Dalita.K from 5/6A!

Queen Victoria Market by Isabella, 5/6A

The Queen Vic Market was great! We all had fun looking around buying stuff and seeing what we could sell at Year 6 Market Day. 


At the start we had groups to go in with Kelly, Miss Adaway, Mr Peel, Miss K and Kathryn. We looked around to see what we could sell, and most people asked to get food. There were a lot of cool stalls like a 3D printer stall which like half of the year 5/6 students got things for. A corn on a cob was popular and a toy selling stall as well. 


A lot of groups had to wait till after lunch to buy things, but Mr Peel’s group ran wild and got a lot of things, as well as telling other kids what good stalls are to go to. Near the end we all had to go back to our meet up spot at 1:00pm to get on the bus, while we were waiting kids showed off the things they brought. Overall, it was a great time.

Queen Vic Market by Tamsyn.M, 5/6A

“Hello, would you like to buy anything?” the shop owner exclaimed to Patricia and I. We nervously declined as we realised how expensive everything was. 


“Come guys, we're going to eat lunch now” Miss Adaway shouted across the long aisle. We noticed that Lily and Livia were missing. Miss Adaway assumed that they were still in the bathroom since Lily wasn't feeling very well. 


A little while later, Patricia and I had both finished eating, so we went back into the market when, “Look at the Frank Ocean poster’s” Livia pointed at a small stall. I asked them where they had been, and that Miss Adaway was looking for them. 


We found some nice things like food, fluffy pants and some more food. We only had $20 to spend so we couldn’t buy much, especially since everything was so expensive. 

Overall, I think it was a really good experience, and a fun thing to do with my friends.

Queen Victoria Market by Dalita Kapriloglu, 5/6A 

I walked into the school gate as I sighed I wasn't late, but quite early Mr Peel came out and said ”If anyone needs to go to the bathroom go now”. Soon other students started coming into the school gates, Before the music went everyone had arrived. Miss Adaway and Miss Johnston also soon walked out of the gate, we all lined up. After we did the roll, we all headed back outside then we all gathered in our classes near the back gate to get ready to board the bus, as usual they did a headcount to make sure none of us were left behind. 


Heading to the Market 

The bus drive was very long and boring. Eventually we made it to the Queen Vic Market. We all left the bus and headed to a coffee shop, as we lined up outside to find out what groups we were in. I was in a group with Kelly (Isabella's mum) which was combined groups with Kathryn (Luke’s mum) so then we all scattered in our groups. But Mr Peel let his group run free and buy stuff which wasn’t the case for my group we could only travel together and were not allowed to buy until after lunch which was disappointing but some of us didn't mind even while we were walking some people even asked for business cards but all I hoped is that I would remember were the stalls were. 


At the Market 

While we were walking around, I saw a lot of nice places like a place that sold gems/ crystals, Lego and more but one thing that really caught my eye was a 3D printing place it had a BUNCH of Pokémon and different sorts of dragons, even some mini animals in all sorts of different colours. But then we ran into some people that had bought toy guns which made an annoying sound and glowed flashing colours but soon after a boring walk, lunch eventually came past, so we sat down and ate the food we had packed but then lunch took AGES so eventually I started talking with my friends which passed the time. 



Lunch finally passed, and I was glad we could finally go shopping. Me and a friend stuck together in case we got lost but the first place we went was the 3D stall and brought a LOT of stuff. I brought some of the Eevee Pokémon evolutions to which I can't remember the types specifically. Then we walked around, and I found a SUPER LONG candy rope which I bought because I wanted candy at the time, then we headed to the store that sold the interesting crystals. My friend brought a little turtle then we walked by Kelly, and she told us that we had to meet back at the place we started at by 1:00pm.




Student Leadership 2025

Next week the year 5 students will have the opportunity to learn about the various student leadership positions we have available at ARPS next year and begin writing a speech for any they may be interested and capable of fulfilling, to be read to their peers and teachers, in following weeks. After listening to the speeches, every student and teacher can vote for their preferred candidate. 

It is important to note that although speeches are an important part of the process, the qualities of the applying candidate, previously seen IN ACTION, play a greater importance. 


Students voted as the preferred candidates are then interviewed by me and Judy Drew (Principal). Positions are announced at the final assembly of the year, Friday 20th December. 


Foundation Enrolment & Transition 2025 – IMPORTANT INFORMATION

The last of our ‘Fly into Foundation’ parent sessions will be occurring next week, on Thursday 21st November. We have been fortunate to secure the Regional School Nerse (Department of Education) to come and talk to parents/carers about the School Nursing program, early intervention resources, the online process for arranging school nurse checks at school and what to look out for in relation to student health as they begin their school experience. This will be another informative session to complement those previously presented. We look forward to seeing all our 2025 Foundation parents (and students) for this FINAL important transition session.

A reminder following the transition sessions, we still have to come:

  • Parent and Carer’s Information Session – Thursday 28th November (4.30-5.30pm)
  • Student Orientation Morning – Friday 29th November (9.10-11am)

Reminder: Before and after school Supervision

A reminder to all parents and carers that staff supervision on the yard begins from 8.45am. If your child or children required supervision before 8.30am, please arrange before school care with our providers, Camp Australia We want to ensure our students remain safe and supervised at all times.

At the end of the day, staff supervise the yard from 3.30-3.45pm. At 3.45pm we ask that families still on the school grounds to start heading to an exit, as gates are locked. If your child or children require supervision AFTER 3.45pm, again, please arrange after school care with our providers, Camp Australia. 

Working Bee: SUNDAY 24th NOVEMBER, 


To assist with the correct sorting and storing of items post Fun Fiesta, we will be dedicating our final working bee of the year to this important task.

Please lock Sunday 24th November, 9-12pm, into your calendar!

Attending working bees are one of the many opportunities we offer to connect with others in our community. Did you know… Volunteering can be very meaningful and enjoyable, and in turn may be good for your mental health and wellbeing.

Volunteering can:

  • give you a sense of achievement and purpose
  • help you feel part of a community
  • help you feel better about yourself by improving your self-esteem and confidence
  • help you share your talents, learn new skills and create a better work-life balance
  • help combat stress, loneliness, social isolation and depression
  • help you meet new people, which can help you feel more connected and valued

A FREE BBQ will be provided for those families who attend. A separate notice (and Dojo message) will be sent to all families soon requesting intention to attend. Please complete this and send back to school to assist us with planning.


Community Christmas Carols/Concert – Wednesday 4th December

Please put this date into your calendar for our annual Community Christmas Carols/Concert. We are excited to bring our community together for this wonderful event. Our music teacher, Mr Daniel Redfearn, as well as classroom teachers, will shortly begin rehearsing songs to be led and performed by our students.

We’d love to see extended family and friends attend. We even put out a special invitation to our new Foundation families in 2025! More information about this afternoon/evening will be shared in coming weeks.


Michael Mottershead

Acting Principal