Farewell Class of 2024

Year 12 2024


Let’s check over the list…












I am always quick to tell everyone that I was lucky to take on the role of your Year Advisor, as you were a fantastic group of young adults! I will miss you all and I truly hope you achieve all you set out to achieve.


I have included my speech below to share the snippets of memories I collected from the Year 12 students.


All the best and remember to check in to let me know how you are going :) 


Luke Andrews

On behalf of the Year 12 team 2024



2024 Year 12 Formal Speech


Look at this gorgeous group of young adults!

This is a very special evening where we take the time to celebrate with all students and reflect upon their time as high school students.

A lot of great memories and relationships have been formed over the years, from not only school excursions and carnivals but also times in class and on the playground. 


I asked the students to share with me some of these times and the responses were a hoot to read through.


So many comments about the carnivals, the fun races (such as the inflatables in the pool), dressing up for them (Adrian Walters as Stitch from Lilo and Stitch, or Amber running the cross country in a big blue shark suit). Then there are the excuses from some if they lost - Clancy and his “cramp” in the swimming carnival… I beat you mate! 


Then there are the excursions for things like Rugby carnivals, soccer days in Coffs, careers days in Tamworth and all the singing that occurs on the bus.


The fun of school plays and performances 

- The Backstreet Boys/Spice Girls/One Direction Founder’s day performance

- Miss Armfield was cast as a dictator in one class presentation. 


And whilst we are on that, there were many comments about Miss Armfield just telling it like it is… no filter 

- “Leave room for Jesus”

- “go find the other half of that dead bird and get rid of it”.


There were so many comments about the strengthening of friendships at Camps and Retreats - Year 9 and Year 12 as standouts

In Year 9 - the mud run, and Lexi falling off the kayak into the water in front of her crush and cut her leg


The great times during the activities at the Year 12 retreat, even if Mr Andrews was getting a bit too involved in the activities at the Year 12 retreat - who did start that mud fight?


Then there are those random ones…

Joe Schmude being tackled by a sheep in year 7

John’s haircuts


Ms Menz and the heels of doom. Where students could tell the footsteps of Ms Menz and would make sure that everyone was working really hard.


Clancy always beating Big Sam in our Investigating Science Quizzes. Don’t worry Sam, you will always be taller than him, just like I am…


But I think the following one just summed it up beautifully:

Honestly, my favourite part and the most memorable times I’ve had at O’Connor have been from simply just break A and B. The amount of laughs, running around, conversations and jokes shared around the group have made my high school experience so amazing. 

The social interactions in my friendship group of usually 20-30 people have not only broadened my perspective on the world but have taught me the true value of friendship. 

I enjoyed year 11 camp so much too, it really cemented so many of the bonds I had with other students and teachers. I also loved all the sporting excursion bus trips with a speaker and singing together. I remember my first bus trip to Newcastle for CCC hockey and I was the only year 7 on the trip. I remember singing to Sweet Caroline and laughing with all the year 11’s and one of them shouting me a bubble O bill at the servo on the way home.


It sums up your education at O’Connor so well… we are here to learn but also to support one another, forge friendships and to have memorable times.


I thank everyone for their efforts in supporting all students to complete their studies and succeed in their own way.


OCC Students of 2024, I wish you all the best, wherever the future takes you and remember that you are always welcome to come back and update us on the amazing achievements you are sure to make in your lives!


Remember to always, Believe, Achieve, Nurture and Grow!