From Our School Leaders

Plans For 2025
There has been a lot of hard work, meetings and planning happening over the last few weeks to ensure we are organised and set for the 2025 school year. We have made many arrangements for next year in teaching and learning, budgets and class structures to accommodate our needs, and have settled on the following class structure for 2025.
We will be running 7 classes in 2025:
- 1 class of Foundation
- 2 classes of Year 1/2s
- 2 classes of Year 3/4s
- 2 classes of Year 5/6s
We have almost finalised staffing and grades for next year, and we will let the community know the teachers in year levels soon. Families will be notified of their child’s teacher in the final week of school. Please remember, we do not take parent requests for specific teachers.
Lots of time and effort goes into class formulation each year. Children are asked to list friends they’d like to be with and, at Scoresby PS, we guarantee they will be placed with at least one child from their list of five. We also take into consideration academic levels, gender balance, and social and emotional behaviors. It’s a complex task.
We will hold 2 internal transition sessions for our students in the coming weeks, so they get used to their new learning spaces, meet their cohorts, and then their teachers. These sessions will be held on:
- Cohort Transition Session......Friday 13th December, 9.00-10.40am
- Meet Your Teacher Session...Tuesday 17th December, 9.00-10.40am
Out Of School Hours Care (OSHC)
In the new year we are changing our Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) provider. Camp Australia are no longer going to be the provider we use at Scoresby PS. We are parting ways after being with the company for 10 years. Next year we will be partnering with DS Sports for our OSHC program.
DS Sports offer a Before and After School Care program based on different activity zones for children to experience. They cater for active and quiet activities that children will find engaging.
From their website….
At DS Sports, we are passionate about providing world-class experiences and programs that add depth and richness to children's learning. Our staff are renowned for their professionalism, experience, nurturing ways and commitment to providing a supportive and transparent environment for families, where children are always safe and have loads of fun. DS Sports is a place where kids want to be, not a place where they have to be.
DS Sports have presented a proposal to Scoresby Primary School Council, and it was unanimously accepted. They will run the program out of the same space and provide a service for children and families that is reliable, affordable and full of fun for the kids.
On the evening of the Christmas Gathering - Thursday 12th December - DS Sports will set up a stand before the show begins so parents and carers can come along, meet the team and find out about what’s on offer.
All families can register for Out of School Hours Care free with DS Sports, and then if they need to access after-school care, it’s very easy to book in via their app.
We are looking forward to working with DS Sports next year at SPS.
Brekkie Club For 2025 - HELP PLEASE!
Brekkie Club has become a much-loved activity at Scoresby PS. It is usually well attended, and offers our students another chance to connect with each other, across all levels of the school. It’s always great to see the kids get up and dance during the sessions and, on the special event days, Brekkie Club is literally buzzing!
Next year we are looking for parent helpers for Brekkie Club.
Each week for the past 2 years, staff have been filling the gap, helping to set up, cook and clean up Brekkie Club every session. They have been very supportive of the program.
Mornings are often busy times for our staff as they get organised for the day ahead, set up activities and sometimes have meetings or yard duty. It’s time to ask our community for some assistance.
Some parents may like to help twice a term, others may be available on a more regular basis. If you’d like to be placed on the Brekkie Club Helper Roster, please see Tina in the office. It’s great fun, and it’s great for your children to see you getting involved.
Colour Run Postponed Due To Hot Weather
We have had to postpone the Colour Run due to the predicted hot weather forecast for Friday.
The Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting 35 degrees for Friday, and that is the temperature at which we declare it too hot for kids to be outside. On days like this we call a 'hot day' timetable and keep the children inside in the air-conditioned buildings during their breaks. We can't hold the Colour Run in the morning, as it’s too messy for the kids to come into the classrooms afterwards.
The new date for the colour run is Friday week - Friday 29th November, 2.00-3.30pm. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. On a positive note, it does give a little more time for kids to sign up and raise funds for our school.
Food For Families Project
This term, the SRC has decided to support Uniting’s Food For Families project. Food For Families collects non-perishable food items like canned soup, packets of pasta and baked beans, as well as household essential items including personal hygiene and cleaning products to support those who need it most. Food for Families connect with local communities through schools, kindergartens, congregations, workplaces, community groups, individuals and families to make a difference to those facing hardship.
Each classroom has a Food for Families box which we are hoping to fill to support families in need. We would appreciate any donations that you are able to offer. For ideas on what to donate please check out the shopping list here
Scoresby Primary School Leaders