Dates For Your Diary

Friday 22nd
- NO Breakfast Club due to early assembly
- Whole-school assembly at 9.00am (all welcome)
- PFA Colour Run (whole school) - POSTPONED
Monday 25th
- Year 5/6 Arcade Games Day, bring a gold coin to vote (whole school)
Tuesday 26th
- Year 3/4 Bike Ed lesson 2, students to bring bikes and helmets to school (all Year 3/4 students)
- Children's University Graduation Ceremony, 4.45-7.00pm at Swinburne University Hawthorn (2024 Children's University participants)
Thursday 28th
- Scoresby Secondary College Art and Technology Showcase, 6.00-7.30pm at Scoresby SC
Friday 29th
- Breakfast Club, 8.15am (all welcome)
- PFA Colour Run, 2.00-3.30pm (whole school) - RESCHEDULED
- 2025 Foundation Students' Transition Session 4/5, 2.30-3.30pm
Tuesday 3rd
- Year 3/4 Bike Ed lesson 3, students to bring bikes and helmets to school (all Year 3/4 students)
Thursday 5th
- School Council last 2024 meeting and end-of-year dinner, 7.00pm
Friday 6th
- Breakfast Club, 8.15am (all welcome)
- The Hon Kim Wells MP, State Member for Rowville, to present Rowville Endeavour Award at assembly
Monday 9th
- 'Big Day Out' at Luna Park (all Year 5/6 students)
- ACMI excursion (all Year 3/4 students)
Tuesday 10th
- Year 6-Year7 Transition Day (most Year 6 students)
- 2025 Foundation Students' Transition Session 5/5, 9.15-11.00am
- 2025 Foundation Students' Family Picnic and Information Session, 5.00-7.00pm
Thursday 12th
- SPS Christmas Gathering, including Art Show, musical performances and PFA sausage sizzle, 5.30-7.30pm at outdoor stage (whole school)
Friday 13th
- Christmas Special Breakfast Club, 8.15am (all welcome)
- Cohort transition session, 9.00-10.40am
- Mary Doyle MP, Federal Member for Aston, to present Tilly Aston award at assembly
Tuesday 17th
- 'Meet Your Teacher' transition session, 9.00-10.40am
Wednesday 18th
- Year 6 Graduation, 5.15-9.30pm (all Year 6 students and families)
Friday 20th
- Christmas Celebration Free-Dress Day, no gold coin required (whole school)
- Term 4 concludes, 1.30pm