School News

Premier's Reading Challenge
Congratulations to the following students who read the most books for their year level in 2024:
- Foundation: Anges H (FG)
- Level 1: Zoe H (1F)
- Level 2: Jacob M (2S)
- Level 3: Matilda T (3C)
- Level 4: Xuan J (4B)
- Level 5: Daniel G (5BK)
- Level 6: Lachie H (6T)
Each of these students were awarded with a $10 gift voucher to Dymocks during our assembly on Monday.
All other students who successfully completed the Premier's Reading Challenge this year were presented with a certificate for their efforts.
Well done to everyone who was involved and keep up the reading!
Mrs Anderson and Mrs Wroe
PRC Coordinators
UV levels can be harmful on warm, sunny days and on cool, cloudy days too.
When the UV level hits 3 (Moderate) or above, cover up from UV and protect your skin.
UV is always highest during the middle part of the day between 10am and 2pm or 11am and 3pm daylight saving time.
Exposure to the sun’s UV during childhood and adolescence has a big impact on skin cancer risk – but it’s almost entirely preventable with good sun protection:
SLIP on sun protective clothing
SLOP on SPF50+ broad spectrum water-resistant sunscreen
SLAP on a wide brim, bucket or legionnaire hat
SEEK shade when outdoors
SLIDE on sunglasses, where practical
For further information please visit
Uniform Shop News
Please note there will be no uniform delivery in the last week of Term 4.
This is a busy week for both schools and couriers and if the delivery is not made prior to school finishing then there is a risk that orders are lost at the courier depot over the holidays.
- Final Uniform Delivery 2024 – Week 10 2024 - 9th - 13th December 2024
- First Uniform Delivery 2025 – Week 1 2025 - 28th– 31st January 2025
- Orders placed during the break for Delivery to School will be held and sent when school reopens on 28th January.
- Orders for delivery to home will continue to be processed and sent via Australia Post. (Except during our Christmas Closure period from 20th December to 6th January)
- All stores will close at 5.00 pm on Friday 20th December and reopen at 9.00 am Wednesday 8th January. Please check the website for each store’s hours.
- All stores will be open on Australia Day Public Holiday 27th January 2025
- For information and assistance please email