Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School
Principal: Kevin Oakey
Assistant Principal: Kellie Stewart
Assistant Principal: Scott Zachariassen
Color Run
What another fantastic event run by the Jells Park Parents Committee - loads of fun had by the kids and a good amount of fundraising dollars raised for the school. Thank you.
A reminder also that the MEGA Wheel draw for the Razor Electric Scooter will be done at assembly next Monday.
Parent Code of Conduct
Please find attached our new Parent Code of Conduct. This is an important document and it is worth every parent reading and understanding. This document was based on a standard DET template and then edited with input from different stakeholders in the school, including staff, School Council and the JPPC.
Working Bee - please help
Spring is always really challenging for the school because it is so hard to keep up with the rapid growth of grass, weeds and trees. In the end it is more than our handyman can manage alone.
So we are asking as many families as possible to assist us with a 'one-off' Working Bee on Friday 29 November, starting at 3.45pm.
If you are available please bring whipper snippers, blowers and hedge trimmers.
Mr Meredith will also looking to start work on re-vamping the Vege Patch. The first task here will be to level the ground and then build a fence around the outside. This will allow us to erect the Vege Pods and have them ready for the start of 2025. Any assistance from anyone with a small bobcat would be much appreciated.
Monash-Manningham Network Chair
I just wanted to let the community know that I have been appointed to a departmental position as the Monash/Manningham Principal Network (co) Chair position for 2025.
This role will be to support the schools and Principals in the Monash area with system development and collaboration, driving education initiatives and leading other Principals to improve student outcomes.
This is an ‘add-on’ role to my Principal position at Jells Park PS, however will certainly mean that on occasions there may be more time out of the school to work on Monash/Manningham priorities. I have complete trust in Kellie Stewart, Scott Zachariassen & Jo-Anne Hoare, as well as the school Leadership, to ensure that Jells Park PS runs as efficiently as always. I don’t believe Jells Park PS will be impacted in any significant way and it is important for Principals like me, now 9 years experienced, to contribute back to the system in a wider scope.
Lost Property
Parents please take a little time to visit the growing pile of lost property. It is stunning how much quality clothing, lunch boxes and drink bottles are just sitting in a massive pile. We do have Lost Property Monitors, however most of these items are un-named, so returning them is impossible. If your child has lost something, it is almost certainly in this pile.
Landscape Gardener
Is there anyone in the community that is a Landscape Gardener? We have some garden beds in and around the senior building and Level 4 portables that neeed repair and attention and filling. We just can't seem to get to fixing them so we are looking for a contractor to do the job. Please contact me or Scott Zachariassen if you can help.
Are you Leaving??
At this time of the year there are always some families that are looking at alternative schooling, working and living arrangements. For whatever reason, if you are leaving the school please let us know ASAP. We always have high interest from people wanting to enrol in our school, so the sooner we know of any departures the sooner we can offer spots for 2025.
Kevin Oakey
Who's carrying the bag?
Something I enjoy immensely is standing at the front gate greeting our students and families. It's a lovely way to start the day and a fantastic way for me to connect with our community. One thing I have noticed recently is the vast number of students who are not carrying their own school bags to and from school. All of our students are capable and strong enough to carry their own bag and it would be wonderful to see this more often. Parents and carers are doing a disservice to their child by doing little things the child can do for themself. Please allow your child to enjoy the independance of this small act of carrying their own bag. Each opportunity to display independance builds resilience, one of our school values, and enables your child to build their self esteem and confidence. What other things could you ask your child to do for themself?
Have a wonderful weekend!
Kellie Stewart
Assistant Principal