Level 3 – Animals
This term, Level 3 students have been learning about the Chinese zodiac animals. They learned about the legendary story behind how the zodiac animals were chosen and discovered the sequence of the 12-year cycle. Students also enjoyed finding out their own zodiac animals, as well as those of their family members. It has been a fun way to connect cultural stories with personal experiences.
Level 4 – Days of the week
Level 4 students have learned the days of the week in Chinese, and explored the pattern used to name them this term. Building on last term's Sports unit, they practised forming sentences like “Xīng qí sān wǒ dǎ wú bǎn lán qiú。星期三我打无板篮球。” (On Wednesday, I play netball.) This semester students have experimented using different sentence combinations to express personal preferences and weekly routines.
Level 5 - Directions
Level 5 students continued exploring the topic of My Community in Chinese in Term 4. They learned how to give directional instructions and practised using prepositions by positioning a dinosaur for a photoshoot. In one of our learning activities, students guided their peers in Chinese, giving directions to move the dinosaur from one place to another on a community map. These activities helped reinforce their understanding of vocabulary and sentence structure in real-life scenarios.
Level 6 – Money
Level 6 students have continued learning about food and drinks this term. Students learned to ask “nǐ xiǎng yào shén me? 你想要什么?” (What do you want to have?) and respond with “wǒ xiǎng yào... 我想要...” (I want to have...). To apply their new skills, students conducted a class survey in Chineseto collect data on everyone’s favourite food and drinks, then presented the results in a bar chart using Google Sheets.
It was an engaging activity for students to practise speaking and collecting information.
Shirley Choi
JPPS Languages