A message from David 

Principal's Report

Education Support Staff

Today is set aside in schools to recognise the significant contribution of our Education Support Staff. The people who work in these roles are the backbone of any educational setting and we are most fortunate to have an incredibly talented, committed and empathetic team who continually add value to Box Hill North. The flexibility in the nature of their work is never questioned and they always go above and beyond the scope of their duty to ensure all children have a positive and inclusive experience at school and kinder. On behalf of our community, thank you to each member in our team – your work is greatly appreciated.


Junior School Council

Congratulations to students recently elected to represent their class and the voice of the student body. I am particularly proud of all members who had the courage to apply for this role within our setting. It is encouraging to see so many students stand up to make a positive difference. The team met yesterday to discuss key priorities to action.  Keep a look out for their influence as they work in support of enhancing the educational experience for all.


Welcome Kim

It was fantastic to see Kim Pearce in the role of Performing Arts join our team on Tuesday this week. Kim has extensive background in this space and has already made a great first impression with students and staff. I know that our community will help her feel welcome and connected at Box Hill North.


Student Perception

Each year, we engage our students with independent surveys to better understand each classes learning environments. The information gathered identifies key strengths and opportunity for growth. Most importantly, it involves staff and students to reflect on the data presented to work together in the design of safe, engaging and purposeful classrooms. Students will have opportunity to participate in a short survey over the next couple of weeks.

