Proactive  Policing Unit

Today the students in year 5 and 6 had a visit from the Victoria Police Proactive Policing Unit. The students were reminded of many important ways to remain safe online.

Staying Safe Online

  • The minimum age for most apps including TikTok and Discord is 13. 
  • Use devices in living area with parents present for safety.
  • Safe username and a password that doesn’t give away anything about you. 
  • All Apps should be turned to private not public. (With updates, quite often settings revert to public. You need to check this regularly to stay safe.)
  • is a great website to reference.
  • Online friend is not a real friend. You don’t know anything about this person. 
  • Recognise when something doesn’t feel right - e.g. asking personal information etc. 
  • inform a trusted adult immediately if something doesn’t feel right.
  • unsafe to be locked in your room on a device alone. 
  • Safer gaming – Did you know the average age of a gamer is 34! It is best to play ‘single player’ mode. If multiplayer, only with people you know in person. Chat only about the game - no personal information. Know how to report and block. 
  • Don’t post personal information online - you don’t know where it’s going to end up or who will see it.

Safer Searching & Watching 

  • YouTube anyone can post anything. Nothing is checked. Speak to a trusted adult if you see something you feel uncomfortable. 
  • Report to police or app or game if needed.  

Getting Help 

  • nothing is that bad that you can’t tell someone. You are never alone. 
  • Get help from Police, family members, teachers - any trusted adult.
  • Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

Things to think about when messaging:

  • Why are you writing it?
  • Do u really need to send it? 
  • Think about time of message. 
  • Share with a trusted adult if you receive something that you shouldn’t. 
  • Treat people online like you would face to face. 
  • Once you post online it’s always online.