From the Principal

Dear MPS Families


Last week the year 5 and 6 students returned from the most enjoyable camp experience, although I must say the teachers looked a bit exhausted on their return😊. They had perfect weather, amazing accommodation, food that the kids couldn’t get enough of and everyone laughing and enjoying each other’s company. They were so lucky the rains held off until they returned!




The Attitudes to School Survey is an annual student survey offered by the Department of Education to assist the school to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experiences of school. Students are asked about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer and family relationships, resilience, bullying, mental health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general. 

This year, the AtoSS will be conducted at our school over the period Monday 27 May to Friday 14 June. 


We value student voice to improve student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction and so by conducting the DE survey we find out what our students think about their school. 

A copy of the student survey will be held at the office and available for parent viewing. 


CARNIVAL – ‘It Takes a Village’


Our biennial carnival is coming up quickly and will be held on Saturday 17 August. The Carnival Working Party is well underway with planning and are now ready for our school community members to start getting involved. 

Each week until the end of the term, we’ll be posting information outlining the specific ways you can help, including items requested for donations for our stalls through to callouts for people to fill specific small roles. The roles have been divided into small parts making it achievable for even our working parents to volunteer assistance. 


What are we raising money for?


This time last year, our parent community were invited to provide feedback and suggestions for the ways they would like to see the school further improve. In terms of the buildings and grounds, both the students and parent/carer community identified three core items:

  1. A standard sized gymnasium (ours is far too small). A new gym would also include new toilets with efficient plumbing and no smell!
  2. More shade
  3. Playground climbing equipment for the senior side of the school.

A new gymnasium is only possible with the support of our members of parliament and so we will rely on our parent community engaging with government bodies.  The school council facilities committee is looking at shade options, so the carnival will be raising funds for a new playground area. 




The SRC have been involved in analysing current playground equipment to identify which sections are most popular. They then met with playground equipment companies to express their ideas. From this, a playground company returned with three different options and each class voted on their favourite. At our next meeting, SRC members will be reviewing each section of the equipment to ensure it meets their requests and to confirm colours. Once the plans are finalised, we will share this with our broader community along with the cost. All fundraising activities will be used to ensure we make the students’ playground vision into a reality. 




The colour run is being held tomorrow (Friday 24 May). Thank you to our families for getting your extended family and friends on board to raise money. The students are looking forward to wearing white and watching their attire grow in colour as they run, skip and walk to the music around and under inflatable arches. Thank you to Miss Avery for her whole school organisation of this event. 




School Council has approved Monday 15 July as a pupil free day for teachers to undertake a ‘professional practice day’. 

As part of the Victorian Government Schools Agreement, teachers are entitled to one day for building their professional practice. A professional practice day is for teachers to focus on their improved delivery of high quality teaching and leaning. 


The work undertaken on these days will be consistent with Departmental and school priorities and selected from the following areas: planning, preparation, assessment of student learning, collaboration, curriculum development, relevant professional development and peer observation including feedback and reflection.


Chellee Plumb