Assistant Principal 

Year 7 & 8 

Term 2 is just flying by and although it is a shorter term, it has been packed full of events. Our year 10 students have recently visited the Melbourne Holocaust Museum which is always a valuable experience each year. Inter school sports have been in full swing with district athletics, soccer, netball, tennis, badminton and cross country all heading out. Congratulation’s to all students who competed and represented the school with pride. This week our year 7 Humanities students will be completing their livability fieldwork excursion where they analyzed the streets of Lalor. Year 8 students have been working with the Whittlesea tech school during their inquiry classes to develop their design thinking folio building up to creating their product prototype. On top of this there have been many programs continuing at LSC such as the RAISE mentoring program, the ABCN SMARTS program, and canine companion program that continue to provide such great opportunities to our students. 


On Monday 13th of May our Year 7 immunisations were completed. Student received the Boostrix and HPV vaccines. The total number of students that had received the vaccine was still low in comparison to previous years. As a result. Parents and students are still able to receive vaccinations however these will have to be arranged outside of school through their GP or in communication with the City of Whittlesea. 


On Friday the 24th of May the school acknowledged National Sorry Day, a day that remembers and acknowledges the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, which we know as ‘The Stolen Generation’. The school held a free dress day where we encouraged students to wear the colours of the Aboriginal flag, Red, Yellow or Black. It was wonderful to see students involved in the day. The SRC raised over $500 for the day which will go towards the Community Spirit Foundation which supports first nations people in remote communities to ensure their young people have the best outcomes and opportunities through education.


A reminder to our community that the Lalor Secondary College Mid-Year Concert will be occurring on June 18th. This is a wonderful event that showcases not only the great work that our music and instrumental staff have been doing over the year, but also the amazing talent that our student poses. The Event is a free event that will be occurring in the Drama Centre from 6pm. It will be wonderful to see the Drama Centre packed out in support. More information can be found on compass and the schools social pages. 


Joshua Simpson

Assistant Principal