The Peace Child Musical

Dear Families


As you probably have heard by now, the whole school is preparing for our musical in Term 2.  I have the absolute privilege of working with your superstar children as I direct the musical this year at Pilgrim School.


Our musical this year is The Peace Child. Set in the mythical land of Mambica, the musical tells the story of two tribes who do not get along: the tree-hugging, poem-loving Wannakeekees and the super sporty and a little haughty Sotongis. When a well-meaning, but fame-seeking, film crew decides to unite the two tribes, the only way to find peace is a heartbreaking sacrifice. Reminding us of God’s love for us by sending His son Jesus, The Peace Child is a story of hope, love, and new beginnings. Funnily enough, The Peace Child was my Year 7 musical back in 2016 at Pilgrim School, so it’s a little nostalgic and very exciting to be back again directing it this year! 


Who is involved: The whole school – so ALL students from Foundation to Year 6.


Classes have begun learning songs and simple choreography, and I hope your children are busy getting them stuck in your heads at home!  Our Year 6s are hard at work preparing for their lead roles and are shaping up to be Tony-worthy performers. The Choir (under the guidance of Kate Tretheway and Bess Sarre) and the Dance Troupe (led by Lara Sarre) have begun rehearsing their parts in the musical too. Thank you parents and caregivers for your support. We can’t wait for you to see it!  


If you have any questions please contact your child’s class teacher or email me at


Musically yours,


Jenna Denholm

Director ‘The Peace Child’

Performance Times

Listed below are the performance dates and times for this year. Please add them to your diary. All performances will be held in the Performing Arts Centre.

  • Tuesday 2nd July, 1.45pm and 6.30pm
  • Wednesday 3rd July, 5.30pm (note earlier start)
  • Thursday 4th July, 6.30pm

All students are encouraged to be at each performance and we appreciate the effort of families to rearrange commitments to enable this to occur. Please let your child's teacher know as soon as possible if there is any reason your child will not be able to attend a performance.


Please keep an eye out for the opening of ticket sales in the next couple of weeks.

Year 6  Information

Each issue of Musical News will have a page/s with information for Year 6 families only. Other families do not need to worry about any of the information labelled for Year 6 students.