PFA News

WOW GPS UNBELIEVABLE TOTAL: $39,125.25 This is incredible!
Thank you to each and every one of you for collecting sponsors and making your donations. If we could list you all we would!! Let's celebrate the few key winners across the school!
These students were the highest in their year level, or raised over $500 - what an incredible achievement. They will all go together as a group to have a special morning tea with Mrs Hall, Mrs Pitts and Ms Sfetsas. I wonder if they will have milkshakes or pancakes?
Congratulations to all of you: Brodie S, Gus S, Aidan , Lily M, Sophia C,
Erez L, Hunter L, Ida B, Ava S, Ruby T, Maui K and Tia L.
And to the following four classes, 1A, 1B, 4B and 4C who were the highest fundraiser!
They will get to choose a special something as a class, like a PJ day or movie afternoon; your choice! Well done!
What a fabulous night out with over 35 dads! Shout out to Callum from Ohana Pizza for looking after us. A really great pizza place... local and support for a GPS family. We will keep you updated about the details of the next one!
This event is Sunday 16th June at 4.00pm at the Classic Cinemas in Elsternwick. HERRRBy will be coming down to give hi 5's and celebrating our amazing school community. Clear your diary for this is a not to be missed event! ONLY 50 SEATS LEFT!!! Tickets are $20 and popcorn special $6. Book via compasstix.
(Popcorn sales close on Wednesday 5th June)
Thanks to the amazing sponsorship of Detector Inspector, 100% of ticket sales will go directly to the school.
Special PFA meeting next Month - WEDNESDAY 19th June 7pm
Think FAIR 2025! Please come along. Many hands make light work and if we share the load we are going to have success! Please reach out beforehand if you have any questions or want to chat about anything