Principal's Report

Prep Phonics Dress Up Day
Our Preps have been busy during their first semester of school developing their phonic knowledge. As a celebration of their hard work a Phonics Dress Up Day was held last Wednesday. As part of reinforcing their knowledge the Prep students dressed up as something representing the first letter of their name! A lovely parade was held, and the children were involved in myriad of activities during the day. Our Prep Teachers also joined in the dress up celebration – Miss Ashlakoff (The Alphabet), Miss Gesuato (Gelato), Miss Valentine (Vegetables) and Mr Yianni (Yarn). A big thank you to our Prep parents for their ingenuity and hard work in helping to create their children’s costumes and supporting the event!
The Great Debate
We are fortunate at Gardenvale to have outstanding teachers who always endeavour to provide quality learning experiences and opportunities for their students. Many parents, students and staff witnessed one such event last week when they watched our Year 6 ‘The Great Debate’. This program involves the students learning the process of debating. Within each class various debates were held and then each class selected a team to represent them at ‘The Great Debate’. The scoring was very close however the 6B team of Ella M, Lola S and Madi S were declared the winners! Ella M (6B) and Joe P (6C) were declared the joint title of best debaters and with special mention to Sophie B for outstanding debating too!
Next week we will be celebrating HERRRBy Week. HERRRBy Week is an opportunity for our students, staff and parents to reflect on how we communicate with and treat others and ourselves. HERRRBy has brought an incredible culture to the school, so much so that HERRRBy is part of the school vocabulary, and if children make asides, others will remind them that HERRRBy would not say something like that. The focus for HERRRBy Week this year is ‘Kindness ‘– our motto is Kindness Galore in 24! As part of our celebrations, on Thursday 13th June, all students and staff are asked to dress in orange, a little or a lot!! A big thank you to Shy Jachimowicz for providing all our students with a commemorative HERRRBy Week gift!
This week Anna and Rosa, the staff from ‘The Itch is Back’, will be checking all children’s hair for headlice, unless parents have previously sent an email requesting their child/ren not be checked.
Lost Property
Is your child missing any items of their school uniform? If they are, please ask your child to check the lost property bins, we have a mountain of lost property at the Senior Campus!
Have a lovely week and stay warm,