A Message from Kim

Parenting in the East - What’s On - Parentzone Term 2 Newsletter
News and Information on Programs and Services to Support Parents across the Eastern Region of Melbourne.
Includes upcoming programs, information forums and webinars, youth groups, support options for children and families and useful contacts -
Whats On Guide PZ East Term 2 2024 (anglicarevic.org.au)
* FREE * Parenting Anxious Children - A 5 week program for parents of 2-7 year olds
Dates: Thursday 30th May to Thursday 27th June 2024 (5-week program)
Time: 10:00am to 12:00 noon
Where: Main EACH building, 71-73 Patterson Street Ringwood East 3135
Cost: Free to attend – booking is essential
Registration: click here https://forms.office.com/r/JtAH3kcFAu (this form will close when the group is full)
Enquiries: sharon.muir@anglicarevic.org.au or phone 0438 683 049
* Please note that this is a parenting program so not appropriate for children to attend.
* FREE * Upcoming Online Forum: Managing Challenging Behaviour - for parents of 5 to 12 year olds
Children’s behaviour can be challenging! This can come in many forms - talking back, complying with expectations, fighting with siblings and more. Parents and carers need a range of skills to understand and manage challenging behaviour and guide their children towards positive cooperation. This session will explore what might underlie children’s challenging behaviour and how parents and carers can develop effective and proactive approaches to family discipline.
When: Tuesday 11th June 2024
Time: 7.00pm to 9.00pm
Where: Online - Via Zoom
Presented By: Anglicare Parentzone
Follow this link to register -
Managing Challenging Behaviour Tickets | TryBooking Australia
Yellow Ladybugs Online Conference 18-20 June, 2024
Yellow Ladybugs is a non-government organisation, dedicated to the happiness, success and celebration of autistic girls, women and gender diverse individuals.
‘This year the Yellow Ladybugs conference will delve into the world of neuro-affirming culture. As always, we promise to deliver captivating, life-changing, and memorable professional and life-learning opportunities.
We take you back to basics to understand WHY we continue to advocate for the often-hidden needs of autistic girls, women, and gender-diverse students.
We will combine narratives and panel-style interviews with some practical training offerings to build up the tools in your toolkit for supporting a range of autistic students at school, home and beyond.
Teachers, parents, allied health professionals, and autistic individuals will gain a better understanding of how to support the learning and well-being needs of autistic girls, teens, and gender-diverse students, who often have internalised, or hidden needs.’
For more information and to book -