Primary News

Mrs Audrey Fellowes - Deputy Principal/Head of Primary

Interim Staffing Arrangements

With reference to the Principal's Message in The Collective (Term 2, Week 2), a reminder of the following: 

Later this term, I will be on sabbatical participating in the Advanced Leadership Program at Cambridge University. As a lifelong learner, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to continue my learning journey and leadership growth. Mrs Audrey Fellowes, Deputy Principal - Head of Primary will assume the role of Acting Principal during my absence from 29 May to 25 June, and from 8 July to 12 July. Mrs Lakshmi Mohan, Deputy Principal - Head of Teaching and Learning will serve as Acting Principal during the second and third week of the June/July holidays, from 26 June to 12 July. To oversee the operational aspects of the Primary School, Mrs Miriam Bryan will assume the Acting Head of Primary role and Mrs Robynne Bailey the Assistant Head of Primary role during this time. My sincere thanks to Mrs Fellowes, Mrs Mohan, Mrs Bryan and Mrs Bailey for graciously taking on these responsibilities during my absence.

With the changes above, Mrs Fellowes, Mrs Bryan and Mrs Bailey will have their teaching roles covered by Mrs Laura McNiff. Mrs McNiff is a Relief Teacher at the College with many years of experience in the Primary sector. We look forward to welcoming her to the College on Monday 27 May.


As we head into our Winter Season, please be mindful of our community. If your child is unwell, please do not send them to school until their infection is completely cleared. We understand at times, there can be a residual cough or croaky throat, which is common. We are reminding students to wash their hands and use sanitiser throughout the day, and I am grateful to our Pre-Prep and Prep staff especially, who are wiping equipment and tables with vigilance, on top of the regular school cleaning.

Circular Drive Etiquette

During the Circular Drive pick-up process, the safety of our students and staff is critical and therefore we kindly ask you to review the following: 


At the conclusion of the day, staff will bring students down to Circular Drive from 3:05pm (Prep - Year 2) and 3:15pm (Years 3 - 6). Pre-Prep students can be collected from their classroom between 2:30pm and 3:00pm. Students in Years 5 - 6 may be collected at Circular Drive if they have younger siblings. Otherwise, they may be collected from Bayview Terrace. Students in Year 4 may be collected from Bayview Terrace if they have an older sibling. If you are collecting your child in Years 3-6, please do not come to Circular Drive before 3:15pm as they will not be there, and you will be asked to circle the block to keep the line moving.


To assist us with the efficiency of Circular Drive pickup in the afternoon, we respectfully request the following:

  • Follow the direction of staff.
  • Continue to drive forward to the furthest available park.
  • Remain in your car until your child has been sent to you. Do not leave your car at any time whilst you are in the Circular Car line. There have been instances where cars have rolled whilst children are walking to their cars.
  • If you are using this service, students must be independent in buckling their seat belts, without your assistance. The staff on duty will help any child into the car if needed. If you are eager for your child to use this facility, the buckling of the seat belt is a wonderful teaching moment.
  • If your child has not yet arrived for collection, you must drive around the block to re-enter the Circular Drive queue.

Sun Safety

At Clayfield College we have a clear No Hat No Play policy. Could you please make sure your child has a hat at school every day. For hygiene practices, we do not provide hats for students to share.

Playground Access - Outside School Hours

Outside school hours (before 8:00am and after 3:10pm), the College playgrounds are closed. There are no staff on duty and Children’s First (the After Care Providers), use the Palm Grove playground after school. The new playground is completely out of bounds before and after school. We look forward to sharing the opening date with you soon, following completion of some minor refit adjustments.Thank you for your close attention to this, as we aim to keep all students safe whilst on the College campus.

Homework Club

As previously communicated within the Collective, we wish to bring the below to your attention. 


Pick up time is by 5:00pm. If you are running late or know that you will not be on Campus by this time, could you please call ahead on the College number (3262 0262), which is diverted to the Lower LRC. This way we can send students to OSHC for a safe pick up, when you arrive.


If your child has changed their activities, or your afternoon plans have altered affecting their attendance at Homework Club, we must receive notification via email to


Homework Club is a school program and as such, the expectation is that students maintain behavioural standards. These include listening to staff instructions, remaining in the LRC unless given permission to leave, and respecting peers and staff.

P&F Primary Disco

Hosted by the Friends of Primary  


Please note that registrations close at midnight on Thursday 23 May. We look forward to welcoming students and parents/caregivers tomorrow evening! 


Friendly reminders for those attending: 

  • Pre-registration is essential. 
  • Parents/caregivers must sign-in their children from 5:00pm (Assembly Hall), and sign-out their children (Assembly Hall) by no later than 6:30pm (Pre-Prep and Prep), 6:45pm (Years 1 to 3) and 7:00pm (Years 4 to 6).
  • Parents/caregivers of students in Pre-Prep and Prep must remain on-site throughout the event. 
  • All children must wear covered shoes.

Experience Day (Year 6 only)


We look forward to hosting our 2025 CLAYFIELD SEVENS at the Clayfield Experience Day on Friday 31 May 2024, with a full day of fun and interactive Secondary School experiences planned.

Save the Dates

27 May

Year 6 Canberra Parent Information Session

Location: Year 6C Classroom

Time: 2:30pm to 3:15pm

9 - 11 July 

Pre-Prep Parent/Teacher Interviews 

Prep to Year 6 Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences

9 - 12 SeptemberYear 6 Canberra Tour

External Co-Curricular Activities - Term 3 Code Camp Club (Years 3 to 6)

In Term 3, we will be offering a Code Camp Design Club for students in Years 3 to 6, after school on Mondays from 3:25pm – 4:40pm. Please follow the booking link for details on how to sign up and pay. 


Book before 14 June for a $15 discount, using the Early Bird Discount Code EBT3AS.

Upcoming Events

24 MayP&F Association Primary School Disco
27 MayYear 6 Canberra Parent Information Session 
31 MayYear 7 2025 Experience Day (advancing Year 6 students)
5 JuneFoundation Giving Day Appeal
7 JunePrep and Year 1 Cross Country 
11 JunePrimary Interhouse Athletics
13 JuneEnd of Term 2